2017年6月18日 星期日

Rockefeller State Park Preserve

今天主題: 洛克菲勒紐約州立公園
Topic of day: Rockefeller State Park Preserve
這個紐約州立公園,由洛克菲勒家族在1983年捐給紐約政府,佔地1,552英畝,共有32英哩長的馬車道,遊客可以在此騎馬或健行、跑步. 有風景優美的湖,可以釣魚; 公園裡約有180種的鳥類,是賞鳥的好去處.
Rockefeller State Park Preserve is a state park in Sleepy Hollow, New York in the eastern foothills of the Hudson River in Westchester County. Common activities in the park include walking, jogging, running, horse-riding, bird watching, and fishing. The park has a rich history and was donated to the State of New York over time by the Rockefeller Family beginning in 1983.


