2017年7月23日 星期日

Le Corbusier, Manufacture in Saint-Dié des Vosges - Usine Duval

 Le Corbusier,Manufacture in Saint-Dié des Vosges - Usine Duval


Manufacture in Saint-Dié des Vosges - Usine Duval
1946 - FRANCE

Industrialist Jean-Jacques Duval entrusted to Le Corbusier, in July 1946, the reconstruction of his hosiery, founded in 1908, destroyed two thirds in November 1944. The architect took this opportunity to realize a "green factory" Standards of the Radiant City and the Charter of Athens.

Le Corbusier realizes here a fully calculated construction at Modulor, functional, 20% cheaper than a traditional construction. The factory is rebuilt on its original site near the ruined cathedral. Le Corbusier is designing a project that is attached to one of the old workshops on the ground floor level.

The building, 80 meters long and 12.50 meters wide, resembles a small dwelling unit built on stilts, three storeys high and covered with a self-contained roof terrace. The vertical entrance and traffic block is part of a wing rejected in the rear façade. The internal organization meets the constraints of the manufacturing process. The circulation of the cloth and of the pieces of clothing is independent of that of the personnel, it was carried out by hoists and slides removed since.

On the roof terrace, Le Corbusier places the offices of the director of the factory and the administration as well as an archive room and a meeting room. Technically and plastically, the manufacture succeeds the alloy of a concrete skeleton and two blind gabled walls in reused pink sandstone. The ceilings are painted with brightly colored rectangles. The resulting contrast of materials and colors places this work in the filiation of the villas of the 1930s, which already foreshadowed the Brutalism of the post-war years. The largely glazed workshops are protected by concrete solar shields which play an aesthetic as well as a functional role. These were the first realized in France, in the work of Le Corbusier, only a few months before those of the Unité d'habitation of Marseille.

The Manufacture of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Claude and Duval factory is a textile factory still in operation today. The company mainly manufactures luxury, mesh, women's products. She collaborates with the great names of French, Belgian and American haute couture.

Manufacture in Saint-Dié des Vosges - Usine Duval
1946 - FRANCE

Industrialist Jean-Jacques Duval entrusted to Le Corbusier, in July 1946, the reconstruction of his hosiery, founded in 1908, destroyed two thirds in November 1944. The architect took this opportunity to realize a "green factory" Standards of the Radiant City and the Charter of Athens.

Le Corbusier realizes here a fully calculated construction at Modulor, functional, 20% cheaper than a traditional construction. The factory is rebuilt on its original site near the ruined cathedral. Le Corbusier is designing a project that is attached to one of the old workshops on the ground floor level.

The building, 80 meters long and 12.50 meters wide, resembles a small dwelling unit built on stilts, three storeys high and covered with a self-contained roof terrace. The vertical entrance and traffic block is part of a wing rejected in the rear façade. The internal organization meets the constraints of the manufacturing process. The circulation of the cloth and of the pieces of clothing is independent of that of the personnel, it was carried out by hoists and slides removed since.

On the roof terrace, Le Corbusier places the offices of the director of the factory and the administration as well as an archive room and a meeting room. Technically and plastically, the manufacture succeeds the alloy of a concrete skeleton and two blind gabled walls in reused pink sandstone. The ceilings are painted with brightly colored rectangles. The resulting contrast of materials and colors places this work in the filiation of the villas of the 1930s, which already foreshadowed the Brutalism of the post-war years. The largely glazed workshops are protected by concrete solar shields which play an aesthetic as well as a functional role. These were the first realized in France, in the work of Le Corbusier, only a few months before those of the Unité d'habitation of Marseille.

The Manufacture of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Claude and Duval factory is a textile factory still in operation today. The company mainly manufactures luxury, mesh, women's products. She collaborates with the great names of French, Belgian and American haute couture.

在製造模具聖孚日廣場 - 杜瓦爾廠
1946年 - 法國

工業讓 - 雅克·杜瓦爾說柯布西耶,在1946年7月的襪子,成立於1908年重建,破壞了三分之二的1944年11月建築師藉此機會實現了“綠色工廠”為此計劃在輻射城和雅典憲章的標準。





Manufacture à Saint-Dié des Vosges - Usine Duval

1946 - FRANCE
L’industriel Jean-Jacques Duval confie à Le Corbusier, en juillet 1946 la reconstruction de sa bonneterie, fondée en 1908, détruite aux deux tiers en novembre 1944. L’architecte saisit cette occasion pour réaliser une  « usine verte » ce programme issue des standards de la Ville Radieuse et de la Charte d’Athènes.
Le Corbusier réalise ici une construction entièrement calculée au Modulor, fonctionnelle, 20 % moins cher qu’une construction traditionnelle. La manufacture est reconstruite sur son site initial près de la cathédrale en ruine. Le Corbusier conçoit un projet qui se rattache à l’un des anciens ateliers au niveau du rez-de-chaussée.
L’édifice, long de 80 mètres et large de 12,50 mètres environ, ressemble à une petite Unité d’habitation montée sur pilotis, haute de trois étages et couverte d’un toit- terrasse autonome. Le bloc d’entrée et de circulation verticale s’inscrit dans une aile rejetée en façade arrière. L’organisation interne répond aux contraintes du processus de fabrication. La circulation du tissu et des pièces de confection est indépendante de celle du personnel, elle s’effectuait par des monte-charges et des toboggans supprimés depuis.
Sur le toit-terrasse, Le Corbusier place les bureaux du directeur de l’usine et de l’administration ainsi qu’une salle d’archives et une salle de réunion. Techniquement et plastiquement, la manufacture réussit l’alliage d’une ossature de béton et de deux murs-pignons aveugles en grès rose de réemploi. Les plafonds sont peints de rectangles de couleurs vives. Le contraste de matériaux et de couleurs qui en résulte situe cette œuvre dans la filiation des villas des années trente, qui annonçaient déjà le Brutalisme des années d’après-guerre. Les ateliers largement vitrés sont protégés par des brise-soleil en béton qui jouent un rôle esthétique autant que fonctionnel. Ce sont les premiers réalisés en France, dans l’œuvre de Le Corbusier, quelques mois seulement avant ceux de l’Unité d’habitation de Marseille.
La Manufacture de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, usine Claude et Duval est une usine textile toujours en activité aujourd’hui. La société fabrique essentiellement des produits de luxe, en maille, pour femmes. Elle collabore avec les grands noms de la haute couture française, belge et américaine.


