2023年12月21日 星期四

Petra in Jordan.隱身沙漠的玫瑰城------佩特拉

'Nothing, but nothing, can prepare you for the wonder that is Petra.'
From the wind-carved alleys of Petra, to the shifting red-gold sands of Wadi Rum.

隱身沙漠的玫瑰城------佩特拉 Petra

黃沙淹沒 傳說之城
在 連綿戰火中,中東地區往來頻繁的沙漠商隊為避免戰火波及,紛紛繞道至奈巴特王朝的首都佩特拉(Petra),再轉運至阿拉伯半島或是地中海沿岸。因此,遠 離戰火的佩特拉成了廣大沙漠中最佳的通商轉運中心,商業貿易所帶來的龐大財富,讓佩特拉成為中東地區首屈一指的富裕之地,其地位不亞於今日的杜拜。
驚為天人 一線天峽谷
直 到西元1812年,一位深入阿拉伯多年的瑞士探險家,無意中發現這座古城,霎時佩特拉聲名大噪,魅力席捲了西方世界。著名電影《聖戰奇 兵》(Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)就是在此拍攝。2007年這裡還被全球票選為「世界新七大奇蹟」之一,和中國萬里長城、印度泰姬瑪哈陵並列榜上。
要進入這 座古城並不容易,必須徒步30幾分鐘穿越不間斷的一線天峽谷,這座令人驚歎的峽谷是由赤紅砂岩所形成。換句話說,徒步半小時走過的峽谷竟是由「一整塊」岩 石構成的天然奇景!砂岩在不同的光線下閃耀著不同的色澤,淺黃色、橘黃色、紅棕色、玫瑰紅色,岩石特有的紋路成了一幅幅詭變多端的天然壁畫!
神秘傳說 法老寶庫
真 正令人瞠目結舌的奇景出現在峽谷盡頭。一座巨大的古神殿,在閃耀的陽光下綻放出玫瑰色的光芒,這是由「一整座」的岩石雕鑿成的希臘式神殿,高度足足有30 公尺。傳說中,奈巴特王朝全盛時曾遠征埃及並帶回大批寶物,就存放於此,故阿拉伯人稱之為「法老的寶庫」。原來,被稱為「玫瑰之城」的佩特拉並沒有玫瑰 花,而是因為這座玫瑰色的法老寶庫。
當地特產 沙瓶畫
這 裡最有名的特產,是以約旦南部天然色澤的細沙做成的沙瓶畫。他們用特殊技術,將五顏六色的沙倒進透明玻璃瓶內,形成各種美麗的圖案。喜歡的話,可以挑選一 個中意的作品,並請師父用沙子在瓶中寫下你的名字或是你想要的字,根據成品的尺寸大小和做工好壞不同,每瓶沙畫的價錢從2JD到數十JD都有。來到佩特 拉,別忘挑選幾個帶回家喔!

Petra's Treasury (Khazneh)          
Petra's Treasury (Khazneh)
In present-day Jordan, Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt came upon the ancient city of Petra, on this date in 1812. Petra, the capital of the Nabataeans from the 4th century BCE until the Romans captured it in 106, was taken by the Muslims in the 7th century and by the Crusaders in the 12th century. Referred to by John William Burgon as a "rose red city half as old as time," Petra was walled in by rock mountains, yet controlled the main trade routes in the area. In 1985, Petra was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site; in 2007, it was named one of New Open World Corporation's New Seven Wonders of the World.

"A land without ruins is a land without memories; a land without memories is a land without history."  — Abram Joseph Ryan

This is Al-Khazneh also known as the Treasury in the ancient site of Petra in Jordan. The area around the site was first inhabited in 7000 BC and a Bedouin tribe called the Nabateans settled here around the fourth century BC.
During the Hellenistic and Roman period, the site became an important caravaan centre on the trading routes between Arabia, Egypt and the Mediterranean.
Several buildings at Petra were carved directly into the rock, some of them have clear Hellenistic features. The Treasury for example has ornate Corinthian columns, bas-relief Amazons and fanciful acroteria, bush was most likely built during the Roma period as the Mausoleum of the Nabatean king Aretas IV in the first century AD.
Another interesting feature of the Petra, also known as Raqmu, is an ingenious water system that could sustain a population of 30000 people as well as a theatre that could seat 6000 spectators.
可能是 4 個人和雙峰駱駝的圖像


