2017年8月9日 星期三

Pictured here is a head of Christ in front of a destroyed Cathedral 2 miles from where the US dropped an atomic bomb

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"When the [Nagasaki] bomb went off, a flier on another mission 250 miles away saw a huge ball of fiery yellow erupt. Others, nearer at hand, saw a big mushroom of dust and smoke billow darkly up to 20,000 feet, and then the same detached floating head as at Hiroshima. Twelve hours later Nagasaki was a mass of flame, palled by acrid smoke, its pyre still visible to pilots 200 miles away. The bombers reported that black smoke had shot up like a tremendous, ugly waterspout. With grim satisfaction, [physicists] declared that the 'improved' second atomic bomb had already made the first one obsolete." — From the article, "War's Ending," LIFE magazine, 8/20/1945. Pictured here is a head of Christ in front of a destroyed Cathedral 2 miles from where the US dropped an atomic bomb. (Bernard Hoffman/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)


