2017年9月4日 星期一

蒙古:汗肯特嚴格保護區 (Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area)

"那是一座聖山。"烏蘭巴托州立大學專門研究13世紀蒙古歷史的歷史學教授索德諾姆·朝勒蒙 (Sodnom Tsolmon) 博士說道,"但這並不意味著他就埋葬於此。"
學者們還利用歷史記錄來尋找成吉思汗墓的位置,,但是他們的說法往往自相矛盾。1000匹奔馬表明陵墓所在地形為山谷或平原,如同匈奴墓地一樣,但是成吉思汗的誓言又指向山脈。更為複雜的是,蒙古的民族學者S·巴丹哈坦 (S Badamkhatan) 發現,歷史上有5座山都叫做不兒罕合勒敦(不過,他認為現在這座不兒罕合勒敦山可能是正確所在)。
朝勒蒙博士和我都無法爬上不兒罕合勒敦山,這座聖山並不歡迎女性,,甚至周邊地區也曾一度只向皇室開放。曾經被稱作"Ikh Khorig("禁忌重地")的地方如今是汗肯特嚴格保護區 (Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area),也被認定為聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產地。自從獲得上述認定以來,不兒罕合勒敦山就禁止研究人員進入,這就意味著任何關於成吉思汗墓的猜測都無從證實。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area
IUCN category Ib (wilderness area)
Map showing the location of Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area
Map showing the location of Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area
Map of Mongolia
LocationKhentii ProvinceMongolia
Coordinates48.92°N 108.59°E[1]

Coordinates48.92°N 108.59°E[1]
Area12,270 km2 (4,740 sq mi)
The Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area is a 12,270 km2(4,740 sq mi)[1] government administered Strictly Protected Area in the Khentii aimag (province) in Eastern Mongolia. Strictly Protected Areas are regions of land designated by the Mongolian government as wildlife preservation areas. Herding and tourism are tightly controlled, and hunting and mining are prohibited. However, the budget for maintaining and protecting these areas is quite small.[citation needed]
The Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area is located in the Khentii Mountains, and includes the sacred Burkhan Khaldunmountain. This is considered to be the birthplace of Genghis Khan, as well as one of the rumored locations of his tomb.[citation needed]



