2017年10月11日 星期三

2017台中荷蘭日 臺中爵士音樂節

連假結束,讓我們來回顧一下我們的台中荷蘭日!從豔陽高照到涼風輕吹,歷經12小時的2017台中荷蘭日成功圓滿落幕,野味這次烏特勒支市代表團訪台4城,在台中劃下美好的句點。除了要感謝台中市長林佳龍、台中市政府團隊、烏特勒支市、林布蘭三重奏,我們這次的合作夥伴DSM、ASML、ING Bank、Philips、Philips Lighting,承辦臺中爵士音樂節的力譔堂,從全台各地帶來荷蘭美食、商品、文化的廠商、老師,還有再次成為亮點的世大運擊劍選手凡努能,最重要的是前來參加的3萬民眾!要感謝的人實在太多,就讓這次的最佳文化大使米飛兔,秀獨照跟大家說一聲「下次見」。
Our four-day holiday has just ended, but it couldn’t stop us from looking back at our Taichung Holland Day. From the blazing sun to the gentle breezes, the 2017 Taichung Holland Day of 12 hours has come to a successful end and drew a conclusion for the Utrecht delegation to 4 cities in Taiwan. We have to thank Mayor Lin of Taichung, the City Government of Taichung City, the City of Utrecht, Rembrandt Frerichs Trio, our partners DSM, ASML, ING Bank, Philips, Philips Lighting, the organizer CSR Group, vendors and experts who brought in Dutch delicacies, merchandise and culture from all over Taiwan, Dutch fencer to the Taipei 2017 Universiade - 世大運 David van Nunen, and the 30,000 plus guests who took part! We have too many people to thank, so we ask our best cultural ambassador Miffy for a solo photo to say “see you next time!”
擊劍手凡努能的影片日記/A Vlog Entry of David van Nunen: goo.gl/nMTqFv
活動照片集錦/Event Photo Highlights: goo.gl/sMYyBG
相關報導/Related Coverage:
影音報導/Video Coverage: goo.gl/St5RK9


