2017年10月10日 星期二

Walhalla Memorial

German Institute Taipei 德國在台協會更新了封面相片。

„Walhalla“ 紀念堂於西元1842年由當時巴伐利亞國王路德維希一世啟用。這棟似古神廟的建築物,就位於巴伐利亞邦、多瑙河沿岸,距離雷根斯堡市不遠。路德維希一世以此表彰傑出貢獻的人士,不分其性別及出身,但唯一的先決條件:必須是德語為母語的人士。因此受褒揚人士,除了德國人之外,也來自瑞士、荷蘭及奧地利等不同地區;涵蓋詩人、作曲家、科學家、將領、君王及哲學家等各領域。直到現今,仍有傑出人士在此受到褒揚,如西元2009年時,受到褒揚的聖人Edith Stein修女。如今,紀念堂內大約有300座雕像及60座紀念碑。

The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished people in German history – "politicians, sovereigns, scientists and artists of the German tongue";[1] thus the celebrities honored are drawn from Greater Germany, a wider area than today's Germany, and even as far away as Britain in the case of several Anglo-Saxons who are honored. The hall is a neo-classical building above the Danube River, east of Regensburg in Bavaria.
The Walhalla is named for the Valhalla of Norse Paganism. It was conceived in 1807 by Crown Prince Ludwig in order to support the then-gathering momentum for the unification of the many German states. Following his accession to the throne of Bavaria, construction took place between 1830 and 1842 under the supervision of the architect Leo von Klenze. The memorial displays some 65 plaques and 130 busts covering 2,000 years of history, beginning with Arminius, victor at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.
Walhalla, Aerial View
Walhalla, seen from the Danube


Exterior view from northwest


