2018年7月7日 星期六

the Milky Way

2016年7月7日下午12:52 ·
戴明博士用這句話 "Off we go to the…Milky Way!"來說明漏斗實驗的第4規則,結果是無法預測的隨機漫步,參考隨機漫步假說(英語:Random walk hypothesis)。

The Economist
2016年7月7日上午10:12 ·

The haze running through the middle is our own galaxy, the Milky Way. At the top is a bright density of blue—the Coma Cluster, which contains 1,000 galaxies, coloured according to their distance from us. A 380m light year view, from The Economist’s 1843 magazine archive


The 3D map of space that can help us understand where the Milky Way is going
To infinity...and beyond


