2018年9月16日 星期日

St. George's Church in Flushing, Queens, New York

今天主題: 聖喬治大教堂
Topic of day : St. George's Church
這座位於紐約市皇后區法拉盛中國城,建築於1854年,屬歌德式的建築. 1702年和1821年有兩座教堂在同址建築,這是第三座教堂在此建立. 已在2,000年列入紐約市古蹟. 45呎高的尖塔,曾經在2010年被巨風吹倒,三年後重建至今.
*以上介紹, 由以下的網頁轉譯.
St. George's Church is an intercultural, multilingual Episcopal congregation in Flushing, Queens, New York. with members from over twenty different nations of origin. A landmark church, it has served an ever-changing congregation for over 300 years.
The September 16, 2010 microburst across Brooklyn and Queens destroyed the church's 45-foot wooden steeple which crashed down on top of two New York City buses parked on Main Street. It is unknown whether the destruction was caused by the 100+ mph winds or a reported lightning strike. It was rebuilt in 2013.
*The above abstracts were from the following links.
Photo on 9/15/2018 Flushing, New York.


