2019年6月1日 星期六

"Mount Athos" : Le Corbusier東方之旅: Greece

169 Le Corbusier東方之旅: Greece  2017-06-17 鍾漢清


Holy Mount Athos, 1926

Mount Athos, a Male-Only Holy Retreat, Is Ruffled by Tourists and Russia


Mount Athos, a Male-Only Holy Retreat, Is Ruffled by Tourists and Russia
The monks on an isolated peninsula in Greece have followed the same way of life for more than 1,000 years, but an Athens vs. Moscow diplomatic spat and a tourism onslaught are unsettling its habits.


想去參觀(希臘的)阿索斯山(Mount Athos,實際上是愛琴海中的半島),第一步是要向「阿索斯山朝聖管理局」交出護照複印件。每天,100名東正教、10名非東正教男性獲准前往阿索斯,在半島上的20個修道院之一當中停留三天。
斯比克博士(Dr Graham Speake)是《阿索斯山:天堂再生》一書的作者。他說,10世紀時制定的一部憲章指出,雌性動物不許在島上停留,但是憲章並並沒有明確說到女人,因為「所有的人都知道,女性不得進入男人的修道院。」

Vladimir Putin is in Greece, visiting the ancient monastic polity of Mount Athos. The trip shows how nations of the same faith can compete as well as co-operate

Between Greece and Russia, the diplomatic and spiritual overlap

Spectrum | 29.07.2008 | 08:30
The Science of Meditation

Meditation research is a rapidly emerging field.

“It’s all in your head” is a popular saying. Neuroscientists studying people who meditate would whole-heartedly agree. Indeed, the most spectacular recent results of what happens when the mind meditates all stem from studies of the brain. Here’s Madeleine Amberger with the second part of our series on meditation research.

它選 Athos 當例子


Wikipedia article "Mount Athos".


(ăth'ŏs, ā'thŏs) , Aktí (äk') , or Akte (–tā) , easternmost of the three peninsulas of Khalkidhikí, c.130 sq mi (340 sq km), NE Greece, in Macedonia. The narrow, northern base of the peninsula was once cut by canal dug by the Persians during Xerxes' invasion of Greece (see Persian Wars). At the southern tip of the peninsula is the theocratic community of the monks of Mount Athos, also called Hagion Oros or Ayion Oros [Gr.,=Holy Mt.], which rises to c.6,670 ft (2,030 m). Mount Athos is a community of about 20 monasteries of the Order of St. Basil of the Orthodox Eastern Church and includes c.30 sq mi (80 sq km) of territory. The first monastery was founded c.963. The community of monks (see monasticism) enjoyed administrative independence under the Byzantine and Ottoman empires and under the modern Greek government. In 1927 it was made a theocratic republic under Greek suzerainty, ruled by the patriarch of Constantinople. Karyai, the chief town of Athos, is the seat of the Holy Community, a committee made up of one representative from each monastery, which governs the monks of Mount Athos. Women and most female animals are not allowed in the religious community. The icons from Mount Athos are celebrated; the libraries contain a great wealth of Byzantine manuscripts.


Athos Monasteries Unveil Hidden Treasures; Byzantine Works ...">Mount Athos Monasteries Unveil Hidden Treasures; Byzantine Works ...

The Western world has no other realm quite like Mount Athos, a rugged tongue of
land in northern Greece where 20 Orthodox monasteries rise in crescendo from ...
October 27, 1997 -

Athos Treasures">TRAVEL ADVISORY; More Time to See Mount Athos Treasures

The Greek exhibition of the treasures of the Mount Athos monasteries has been
extended by four months, until April 30, because of its enormous success. ...
January 11, 1998 -

  1. ATHOS MONKS DEPORTED.; Czar's Soldiers Protect Archbishop Who Went ...">ATHOS MONKS DEPORTED.; Czar's Soldiers Protect Archbishop Who Went ...

    Thus ends the picturesque story of heresy of Mount Athos; but there is much
    conjecture as to what Russia will do with the heretics at home. ...
    July 27, 1913


    The Treaty of Berlin says, in article 57: "The Monks of Mount Athos shall be
    maintained in the possession of their privileges and advantages, ...
    August 18, 1878

A Postcard of Mount Athos and its Monasteries


