2019年6月27日 星期四

“波蘭: 深度之旅”

我們很高興和大家分享由小仙仔撰寫的波蘭旅遊指南 “波蘭: 深度之旅”。這本可愛的旅遊書介紹最經典的波蘭地標以及觀光景點 (例如克拉科夫中央集市廣場以及馬爾堡城堡),還有許多不為人知的私房景點。除了觀光資訊以外,作者還介紹了許多關於波蘭住宿、購物以及美食的實用資訊。
“波蘭: 深度之旅” 精彩的介紹波蘭獨特的文化。我們相信這本指南對台灣方興未艾的波蘭旅遊市場大有助益。
As Poland keeps gaining momentum as a worldwide tourist place of interest, the popularity of Poland in Taiwan is skyrocketing. 
We are glad to announce the newly published guidebook of Poland by Xiao Xianzi (小仙仔). This lovely guidebook features the most iconic Polish landmarks and tourist spots (such as Kraków’s Main City Square or Malbork Castle), as well as those less known but equally worthwhile. Apart from exploring the most acknowledged tourist spots, author provides a great deal of useful information about Poland’s accommodation establishments, remarkable products, and distinctive cuisine.
“波蘭:深度之旅” serves as an excellent introduction to Poland’s unique culture. We are convinced that this guidebook will contribute to the booming popularity of Poland among Taiwanese tourists.


