2019年12月19日 星期四

【#Place 國際週報】004: FSB intelligence offices in Moscow / 盧比揚卡大樓 Lubyanka 俄羅斯情報機關 FSB 總部

 俄羅斯聯邦安全局總部附近發生槍擊案 造成至少3死5傷。該機構在聲明中稱,一名特工被槍殺。目前行凶者已“被制服”,尚不清楚其身份與動機。對於一個戒備森嚴的地區來說,本次槍擊事件不同尋常。


Lubyanka in 2010

Lubyanka (RussianЛубя́нкаIPA: [lʊˈbʲankə]) is the popular name for the headquarters of the FSB and affiliated prison on Lubyanka Square in Meshchansky District of MoscowRussia. It is a large Neo-Baroque building with a facade of yellow brick designed by Alexander V. Ivanov in 1897 and augmented by Aleksey Shchusev from 1940 to 1947. It was previously the national headquarters of the KGB; Soviet hammers and sickles can still be seen on the building's facade.



Original headquarters building of the All-Russia Insurance Company, before 1917

Lubyanka during renovation in 1983, with the left half still lower.


After the dissolution of the KGB in 1991, Lubyanka became the headquarters of the Border Guard Service of Russia, houses the Lubyanka prison, and is one directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). In addition, a museum of the KGB (now called Историко-демонстрационный зал ФСБ России, Historical Demonstration hall of the Russian FSB) was opened to the public.
In 1990, the Solovetsky Stone was erected across from Lubyanka to commemorate the victims of political repression. In 2015, the Lubyanka's front door was set on fire by Pyotr Pavlensky, a performance artist.[4]

俄羅斯情報機關 FSB 位於莫斯科市中心的總部附近,星期四晚發生槍擊案,有人以AK自動步槍施襲,一名FSB人員被殺死,5人受傷,槍手已被當局殺死。暫時未知道槍手的身份及犯案動機。

A shooting has taken place near the headquarters of Russia's FSB security agency in Moscow. At least one FSB officer was killed while five other people were wounded.


Russia: Shooting near FSB intelligence offices in Moscow | DW | 19.12.2019


