2020年2月15日 星期六

冠狀病毒:苦海中山盟海誓:化学防護服結婚進行曲;絕望的時代驅使一些中國人採取絕望的措施 Coronavirus: desperate times drive some Chinese to desperate measures

One woman ate about 1.5kg of garlic over two weeks after reading online that it could help protect against the virus. She ended up needing hospital treatment.

From the case of a woman who became ill from eating too much raw garlic to the people wearing water bottles as protection, some of the measures are unlikely to do much...


Coronavirus: desperate times drive some Chinese to desperate measures

一名婦女在網上閱讀可以幫助預防病毒的兩週後,吃了約1.5公斤大蒜。 她最終需要住院治療。


The nurse, wearing a wedding dress and veil made from a hazmat suit and carrying a rubber glove bouquet, said her vows via video chat.

A nurse in Wuhan, wearing a dress and veil made from a hazmat suit, married her fiancée via video chat

The nurse, wearing a wedding dress and veil made from a hazmat suit and carrying a rubber glove bouquet, said her vows via video chat.


A nurse in Wuhan, wearing a dress and veil made from a hazmat suit, married her fiancée via video chat

Environmental suits are also used to protect the wearer from contamination (for example hazmat suits), or conversely to protect the environment from contamination by the wearer (see cleanroom suits).

  hazmat suit



