2020年10月9日 星期五

美國在台協會 AIT :台北市內湖區金湖路 100 號


全新的AIT美國中心對外開放囉!快來參觀美國中心,順便看看AIT館內長什麼樣子!AIT美國中心除了提供美國政治、經濟、社會、教育、與文化等各類書籍與資料,也將舉辦Bookclub讀好書,以及Maker等系列活動。首發場將於10月14日(星期三)下午2點到4點舉辦AIT英語教師Bubba的英語讀書會活動。有興趣的朋友,趕快跟我們報名吧!也歡迎大家到AIT美國中心拜訪我們喔!Bubba’s Book Club 讀書會報名連結:https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070539458681831720
地址:台北市內湖區金湖路 100 號
Are you curious what’s in the new AIT building in Neihu? Well, come visit AIT’s American Center! In addition to providing books and materials on American politics, economics, society, education, and culture, the AIT American Center will also host a series of events that include a book club and maker space. Our first meet-up will be on Wednesday, October 14, 2 to 4pm. AIT’s English Language Fellow, Bubba, will host our first Book Club. Please come join us! Bubba’s Book Club https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070539458681831720
AIT American Center
Address: No. 100, Jinhu Road, Neihu District 11461, Taipei City, Taiwan)
Opening Hours: From 9am to 11am, Tuesdays through Thursdays, and 1pm-4pm on Thursday afternoon only.


