2022年7月21日 星期四



昨天,譚敬南代表很榮幸受邀出席「臺南400年」主視覺暨主題音樂發表會。近400年前,荷蘭東印度公司來到當時名爲大員的台南興建了熱蘭遮城(安平古堡)貿易據點。從此,荷蘭與台南結下了深厚的緣分。 恭喜黃偉哲市長以及他的團隊發佈了精心設計的雙標誌與主題音樂。昨天,我們充分感受到台南市民的熱情,也期待2024年迎接並紀念台南400年。
Yesterday, Representative Guido Tielman had the honor of being invited to attend the announcement of the main visual and theme music for Tainan’s 400th anniversary. Nearly 400 years ago, the Dutch East India Company arrived in Tainan, or what was then called Tayouan, and built the trading post of Fort Zeelandia (Anping Old Fort). Since then, the Netherlands has shared a deep connection with Tainan.
to Mayor Huang Wei-che and his team on the beautiful new logos and theme music. Yesterday, we fully felt the enthusiasm of the people of Tainan, and look forward to welcoming and commemorating the 400th anniversary of Tainan City in 2024.
可能是 3 個人、大家站著和戶外的圖像


