2023年5月9日 星期二

汝欲和平,必先備戰Si vis pacem, para bellum 。(拉丁文)廣島聖母升天大教堂.....Traces of History: Exploring around Hiroshima.書店20db 自行車旅館 高弟 食物 木橋鋼構件 townscape

Assumption of Mary Cathedral
Hiroshima World peace Memorial Cathedral 01.jpeg
Country Japan
DenominationRoman Catholic Church

The Assumption of Mary Cathedral [1] (Japanese被昇天の聖母司教座聖堂) also called Memorial Cathedral of World Peace[2] (世界平和記念聖堂) is a religious building affiliated with the Catholic Church[3] located in HiroshimaJapan.

The church was designed by Togo Murano.[4] It follows the Roman or Latin rite and serves as the principal church of the Diocese of Hiroshima (Dioecesis Hiroshimaensis カトリック広島教区) which was created in 1959 with the bull Qui arcano of Pope John XXIII.

Pope John Paul II visited the church on his tour of Japan in February 1981. It was built in tribute to the victims of war and the nuclear bomb that was dropped on the city. Father Enomiya Lassalle, who was exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, began construction in 1950 and opened in 1954.

See also[edit]

view of the surroundings
Traces of History: Exploring around Hiroshima.書店20db 自行車旅館 高弟 食物 木橋鋼構件 townscape

昨天NHK 的英語介紹廣島聖母升天大教堂的鐘有類似拉丁銘文。並友英譯 目前找不到 A highlight of a visit includes seeing the cathedral’s four bells in the 46-meter-high tower, presented by the German town of Bochum. Other notable features include the splendid organ provided by the city of Cologne, the bronze doors from Düsseldorf, and the altar presented by Belgium. If time allows, consider popping in during daily mass.https://heroesofadventure.com/listing/assumption-of-mary-cathedral-memorial-cathedral-of-world-peace/


 The Assumption of Mary Cathedral or the Memorial Cathedral of World Peace is a catholic church built as a tribute to the victims of war and the nuclear bomb. The church was constructed by Father Enomiya Lassalle, who himself was exposed to the atomic bomb. The church had the special distinction of a visit from Pope John Paul II during his tour of Japan in 1981.

Officially designated as the Assumption of Mary Cathedral, it was designed by leading Japanese architect Murano Togo. The building was largely paid for by contributions made by numerous countries and stands as testament to the ability of nations to work together when necessary.

A highlight of a visit includes seeing the cathedral’s four bells in the 46-meter-high tower, presented by the German town of Bochum. Other notable features include the splendid organ provided by the city of Cologne, the bronze doors from Düsseldorf, and the altar presented by Belgium. If time allows, consider popping in during daily mass.

Assumption of Mary Cathedral – Memorial Cathedral of World Peace



Ben Chen
最愛 · ·

Si vis pacem, para bellum 。(拉丁文)
If you wish Peace ,Prepare for War.


Ben Chen和其他19人


