2023年11月13日 星期一

Pittsburgh. at Point State Park. The Ohio, Monongahela, and the Allegheny Rivers.

 It’s often been rated at one of the top-5 5 cityscapes around the world though maybe the ballot box is stuffed with people from Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

It was the “Steel City” up until the early 1970’s with smog so thick from the steel mills your nose could be lined with it after a day out in the city. The sun would look as it does with a blanket of thick forest fire smoke.
Now it more high tech, financial services and health care that keeps the city running. It’s home to the Pittsburgh STEELERS football team and a number of top tier universities including CMU and the University of Pittsburgh.
This view is up on Mt. Washington overlooking the city and the three rivers that come together at Point State Park. The Ohio, Monongahela, and the Allegheny Rivers.
This is a mid summer sunrise.


