2024年1月27日 星期六

Kagoshima City - 鹿児島県 它的形狀像龍頭。 這條龍的嘴裡矗立著櫻島

 Kagoshima, the prefecture that wraps around the southern end of the Japanese island of Kyushu, is said by some to resemble the head of a dragon. At the mouth of this dragon stands Sakurajima, one of the country’s most active volcanoes, whose plumes of smoke can often be seen from the capital, Kagoshima City, just a short ferry ride away.

鹿兒島縣位於日本九州島的南端,有人說它的形狀像龍頭。 這條龍的嘴裡矗立著櫻島,這是日本最活躍的火山之一,從首都鹿兒島市(距離酒店只有很短的渡輪路程)經常可以看到其冒出的煙霧。

該地區擁有非凡的自然景觀,其中還包括一棵擁有 1,500 年歷史的日本最大的樟樹,以激發同等美麗的藝術而聞名。 導演宮崎駿曾前往鹿兒島森林茂密的屋久島,為他 1997 年的動畫電影《幽靈公主》重現白谷雲水峽的風景。 儘管東京和京都繼續吸引西方遊客蜂擁而至,但鹿兒島似乎仍然吸引著主要是日本和其他亞洲遊客,他們渴望探索該縣的半島和島嶼,並前往日置市美山陶藝村購物。

The area’s extraordinary natural features, which also include a sprawling 1,500-year-old camphor tree, the largest in Japan, have famously inspired art of equal beauty. The director Hayao Miyazaki visited Kagoshima’s densely forested Yakushima island to recreate the scenery of its Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine for his 1997 animated film, “Princess Mononoke.” But while Tokyo and Kyoto continue to draw stampedes of Western tourists, Kagoshima still seems to attract mostly Japanese and other Asian visitors, eager to explore the prefecture’s peninsulas and islands and take shopping trips to the pottery village of Miyama in the city of Hioki.

ImageAn illustrated map of Kagoshima and the locations mentioned in this guide.
Credit...Richard Pedaline and Carla Valdivia Nakatani
An illustrated map of Kagoshima and the locations mentioned in this guide.

An illustrated portrait.


