2007年9月17日 星期一

bird flu outbreak: HK official




周一嶽強調,暫停進口的安排是預防性措施,內地供港的家禽及其產品,至今沒有發現任何問題。 他表示,根據國際慣例,在爆發禽流感後,疫區範圍一般是8公里,現已擴大至24公里,以策安全。



漁農自然護理署和食物環境缳生署將加強巡查本地活家禽農場、批發和零售市場,以及加強在文錦渡對內地入口雞隻的監測。 香港海關、警方、漁護署、食環署及內地相關當局,繼續致力堵截非法入口禽鳥活動;缳生署則加強旅客的健康教育,在入境口岸播放健康忠告,並派發健康單張。




China confirms bird flu outbreak: HK official

HONG KONG (AFP) — China's agricultural ministry has confirmed an outbreak of bird flu among ducks in the south of the country, Hong Kong's health secretary announced Monday.

The ministry said Saturday that 9,830 ducks had died in a village outside the southern city of Guangzhou, not far from the border with Hong Kong, between September 5 and 13.

Hong Kong Health Secretary York Chow told reporters late Monday, citing the Chinese ministry, that the ducks had tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the virus.

Chow said the former British colony had immediately slapped a 21-day ban on imports of all live poultry, eggs and chilled or frozen meat from farms near the affected area on the mainland.

A ban on the import of such products from Guangdong province will remain in effect for a week, Chow said.

About 100,000 ducks were culled by local officials on Monday in a bid to keep the outbreak from spreading to other districts, Hong Kong media reported.

Bird flu has so far infected at least 25 people in China, including 16 who later died.

China conducted a huge campaign last year to contain the disease, slaughtering tens of thousands of poultry and stepping up public education efforts.

Yu Yedong, director of the Guangdong Animal Epidemic Prevention Centre, told the Standard, a Hong Kong newspaper, that the ducks had been vaccinated against the virus.

He added a first vaccination was only 65 percent effective and the birds needed a second to make it 90 percent effective. Yu told the paper he believed the birds were infected after the first vaccination.

Ho Pak-leung, an expert in infectious diseases at Hong Kong University, told the Standard there were fears the virus had now mutated.

H5N1 has killed 200 people and ravaged poultry flocks worldwide since 2003, according to the World Health Organisation.

Scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form easily spread among humans, leading to a global pandemic with the potential to kill millions.


