2007年9月16日 星期日

Reconstruction of Potsdam's New Palace

The New Palace is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. The University of Potsdam uses some of its buildings.

Thirty percent of the New Palace is accessible to the public during the restoration process. The building is one of numerous palaces in Sanssouci royal park, which is a maze of pathways, statues, fountains and gardens.

The restoration was made possible thanks to German and American sponsors. The cost of the project has been divided between the Castle Foundation, the East German Savings Bank Foundation and the American World Monuments Fund. An estimated 126 million euros ($175 million) are needed for the repairs. To save the palace from deterioration, some 45 million euros more will be needed over the next 10 to 15 years.

This restorer is at work in the concert hall, an area of the palace which has been closed since 1983. Frederick the Great, the palace's builder, never lived in the estate himself, but used it as a guest house and a venue for social events.

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