2008年4月4日 星期五

Villa Savoye. Firenze, Val d'Ema; Couvent de la Tourette

Villa Savoye


Carthusian, Charterhouse, prior,Vespers

Firenze, Val d'Ema Charterhouse 6

The charterhouses in the world

Addresses and photographs of the houses
FRANCE Grande Chartreuse (Isère)
Chartreuse de Portes (Ain)
Chartreuse de Montrieux (Var)
Chartreuse de Sélignac (Maison St Bruno confiée à des laïcs)
Chartreuse de Nonenque (Aveyron)
Chartreuse Notre Dame (Alpes de Haute Provence)
SUISSE Chartreuse de la Valsainte
ESPAÑA Cartuja de Aula Dei (Zaragoza)
Sitio Internet de Aula Dei
Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos)
Sitio Internet de Miraflores
Cartoixa de Montalegre (Barcelona)
Cartuja de Porta Coeli (Valencia)
Cartuja Santa Maria de Benifaçà
PORTUGAL Cartuxa de Scala Coeli (Evora)
ITALIA Certosa di Farneta (LU)
Certosa de Serra San Bruno (VV)
Certosa della Trinita (SV)
Certosa de Vedana (BL)
GREAT BRITAIN St Hugh's Charterhouse (Parkminster)
Parkminster's web site
DEUTSCHLAND Kartause Marienau
SLOVENIJA Kartuzija Pleterje
USA Ch. of the Transfiguration (Vermont)
BRASIL Cartuxa N. Sª Medianeira (RS)
ARGENTINA Cartuja de San José
CORÉE DU SUD Notre Dame de Corée Annonciation

Sainte Marie de La Tourette is a Dominican priory in a valley near Lyon, France designed by the architect Le Corbusier and constructed between 1956 and 1960. La Tourette is considered one of the more important buildings of the late Modernist style.
It was under the instigation of Reverend Father Couturier that the Dominicans of Lyon charged Le Corbusier with the task of bringing into being at Eveux-sur-Arbresle, near Lyon, the Convent of La Tourette, in the midst of nature, located in a small vale that opens out onto the forest. The buildings contain a hundred sleeping rooms for teachers and students, study halls, a hall for work and one for recreation, a library and a refectory. Next comes the church where the monks carry on alone (on occasion in the presence of several of the faithful). Finally, the circulation connects all the parts in particular those which appear in a new form (the achievement of the traditional cloister form is rendered impossible here by the slope of terrain). On two levels, the loggias crowning the building (one for each acoustically-isolated monk's cell) form brises-soleil. The study halls, work and recreation halls, as well as the library occupy the upper-level. Below are the refectory and the cloister in the form of a cross leading to the church. And then come the piles carrying the four convent buildings rising from the slope of the terrain left in its original condition, without terracing.
The structural frame is of rough reinforced concrete. The panes of glass located on the three exterior faces achieve, for the first time, the system called "the undulatory glass surface", which is also applied to the Secretariat at Chandigarh. On the other hand, in the garden-court of the cloister, the fenestration is composed of large concrete elements reaching from floor to ceiling, perforated with glazed voids and separated from one another by "ventilators": vertical slits covered by metal mosquito netting and furnished with a pivoting shutter. The corridors leading to the dwelling cells are lit by a horizontal opening located under the ceiling.
Though still functioning for a greatly-reduced population of monks, La Tourette has become something of a pilgrimage site for students of architecture. Overnight stays can be arranged in the unused cells.
At the Couvent de la Tourette (1960), Le Corbusier found an echo, in an architectural project, of the personal principles of self-denial and monastic simplicity that he himself adhered to. Built as a Chapel, residence and place of learning for Dominican friars, the monastery groups around a central courtyard a U-shaped mass, and the court is closed off by the chapel at the end.
At La Tourette many aspects of Corbusier's developed architectural vocabulary are visible – the vertical brise-soleils used with effect in India, light-cannons piercing solid masonry walls, and window-openings separated by Modulor-controlled vertical divisions. In contrast with Ronchamp, the building does not crown and complement the site, but instead dominates the landscape composition.
If there is harmony, it is in the finishes that in their roughness and near-brutality betray some empathy with the life of a monk. La Tourette makes no claim to the effete bourgeois lifestyle embodied at the Villa Savoye; its antecedents, if anything, are the Greek monasteries of Mount Athos and an almost mythological history.


  • Boesiger, Willy (editor) (1996). Le Corbusier: Complete Works (8 volumes). Cambridge, Mass.:Birkhauser. ISBN 3-7643-5515-8.
  • Baker, Geoffrey H. (1984). Le Corbusier: An Analysis of Form. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0-442-30557-5.
  • Gans, Deborah (1987). The Le Corbusier Guide. Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press. ISBN 0-910413-23-1.
  • Curtis, William J R (1986). Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms. Oxford: Phaidon. ISBN 0-7148-2387-2.

External links

Coordinates: 45°49′10″N, 4°37′21″E

书  名:勒.柯布西耶导读系列--拉图雷特圣玛丽修道院
著 译 者:菲利普.波蒂耶
出 版 社:中国建筑工业出版社 书  号: ISBN 7-112-08410-5

  "为一百具躯体和一百颗心灵创造一个宁静的居所。"这就是马利-阿兰'库丢热(Harie-Alain Couturier)神父向被他视作"现今最伟大的建筑师"--勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)--提出的希望。听到这句话,66岁的勒·柯布西耶立刻联想到加都西会爱玛隐修院(Carthusian monastery of Ema)。1907年柯布西耶在意大利旅行期间曾拜访过这座修道院,并在他的文章中将其推崇为一个原型。如今.有了库丢热神父的委托.他可以将自己对修道 院模型的诠释塑造出来。不过,这个委托也提出一个重要的问题:建出来的这件物品到底将是一件"渎圣"的孽物还是"虔诚"的祭品,这是一个挑战。带着这个问 题,1953年5月4日,柯布西耶来到选址的现场。在埃乌镇(Eveux)的一座山丘上.他嗅闻着环境的气息,开始在手中的速写本上勾勒修道院的形象。

  Site Ofthe monastery

导言 7
导览 8
·建筑漫步 10
·场地环境 26
·生活区 30
入口 30
屋顶平台 32
修士宿舍 34
社交生活空间 40
交通区 44
架空支柱 46
·祷告区 46
教堂与侧礼拜堂 46
地面 48
内部 52
方案进程 58
神父 60
·协调建筑师:埃阿尼斯·塞纳基斯与安德烈·沃根斯基 63
·设计阶段(1953-1956年) 64
建造过程 78
·承建公司 80
·结构框架 83
·三翼 84
(1956-1960年) 86
修道院的教益 90
·参照点 92
居住体 92
索圣山修道院 95
架空支柱,屋顶平台与坡道 96
架空支柱;开放花园 99
冥想花园 99
坡道 100
·材料与其使用 102
混凝土 102
超越理性主义:"彻悟" 107
标志、图案和印记 108
工程师 112
·主观形式:建筑师 114
·造型 114
·草图外轮廓 115
·度量与比例 116
·数字的音乐 120
·雕塑家 126
注解 130
参考书目 134
图片致谢 134


