2008年4月2日 星期三

The parks of Munich

2008年4月 2日 戴久永教授來訪 談到他20年前參加EOQC的年會
到過此城 該城還將Hitler的某處"公地"還原成公園
不過WikiEnglish項目雖有Parks 等 卻沒找到

慕尼黑這個名稱的本義是僧侶之地。因此,該市的市徽上表現的就是一位修道士,稱為「慕尼黑之子」(Münchner Kindl)。自從路易四世時代以來,神聖羅馬帝國的顏色—黑色和金色一直是該市的官方色彩。多年以來,該市官方的城市格言是「有心臟的世界城市」(Die Weltstadt mit Herz)。不過,最近已經改為「慕尼黑愛你」(München mag dich)。

英語仏語などではMunichと綴られ(発音はミュニック)、イタリア語ではMonaco(モナコ公国との区別のために、「バイエルンの」という意味の語をつけてMonaco di Baviera、モナコ・ディ・バヴィエラ)と呼ばれる。


慕尼黑是一個綠色的城市,擁有許多公園。靠近市中心的英國公園(Englischer Garten)占地3.7平方千米,是世界收那個最大的城市公園之一,

The parks

Munich is a green city with numerous parks. The Englischer Garten, close to the city centre and covering an area of 3.7 km², is one of the world's largest urban public parks, and contains a nudist area, jogging tracks and bridle-paths. It was devised and laid out by Benjamin Thompson, Count of Rumford, an American, for both pleasure and as work area for the city's vargants and homeless. Nowadays it is entirely a park with a Biergarten at the Chinese Pagoda.

Other large green spaces are the modern Olympiapark and Westpark as well as the parks of Nymphenburg Palace (with the Botanical Garden to the north), and Schleissheim Palace. The city's oldest park is the Hofgarten, near the Residenz, and dating back to the 16th century. Most known for the largest beergarden in the town is the former royal Hirschgarten, founded in 1780 for deer which still live there.

The city's zoo is the Tierpark Hellabrunn near the Flaucher Island in the Isar in the south of the city. Another notable park is Ostpark, located in Perlach-Ramersdorf area which houses the swimming area, Michaelibad, one of the largest in Munich.


