2008年7月8日 星期二

Birmingham, Alabama

He went on to become a respected painter whose work was hung in top U.S. museums. Last week De Diego won new honor and some more welcome cash: first prize ($2,000) in the "Steel, Iron and Men" exhibition at Alabama's Birmingham Museum of Art. Explains able Museum Director Richard F. Howard: "All that we asked was that [the artists] think about steel and iron . . . and of the men of many races, giants in body or mind, who dig the ores or make the metals . . ." De Diego's prizewinner (one of 500 entries) was a brilliantly colored fantasy called Activity Across the River, which showed a group of unworldly creatures working on a great mass of red and blue machinery along a riverbank. De Diego got the idea watching the Staten Island shipyards from a ferry.

-From the Woolworth Tower

Julio De Diego (美籍西班牙裔 1900-79)

Birmingham Alabama 工業礦場城
Wikipedia article "Birmingham, Alabama"

Birmingham Museum of Art
Birmingham Museum of Art website 1951才成立
亞洲藝術品 The Museum’s Asian art collection started with a gift of Chinese textiles in 1951 and today, with more than 4,000 objects, is the largest and most comprehensive in the Southeast.


