When Tsuki Ayano returned to the Japanese village she grew up in she found many of the people had gone. So she came up with an unusual solution – she started making full-sized dolls to take their place. http://bbc.in/1Ki3c13
張貼留言 (Atom)
Links of Hanching Chung
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- 五隻獼猴的啟發 (壽山國家自然公園籌備處)
- 臺北城市博物館聚落/ TCM / Taipei City Museum
- 台灣高鐵的命運:日本輸出の台湾新幹線、「破綻」は必然だった
- 12樓高鷹架倒塌 佔據羅斯福路路口 (1.24)
- 彰化神社;1960年代彰化八卦山入口;日本時代,彰化八卦山
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- 台南鄉下焢窯!
- Giotto's Campanile vs The New York Times Tower
- A Home for the Headlines
- The Middle East
- Balliol College:Library, chapel, Oxford
- 從太空俯瞰 台灣
- Is Boko Haram becoming Africa’s Islamic State?
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- The McDougal Common Room
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- 1958年北市龍安國小的童子軍、學校招牌
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- The Japanese Village of the Dolls, Outlook
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- Chauvet Cave