Rowan Oak, also known as William Faulkner House, is William Faulkner's former home inOxford, Mississippi. It is a primitive Greek Revival house built in the 1840s by Robert Sheegog. Faulkner purchased the house when it was in disrepair in the 1930s and did many of the renovations himself. Other renovations were done in the 1950s.
2016年8月6日 星期六
Retired Botanist Publishes 13 Years of Photography Featuring Rowan Oak’s Landscape
Rowan Oak, also known as William Faulkner House, is William Faulkner's former home inOxford, Mississippi. It is a primitive Greek Revival house built in the 1840s by Robert Sheegog. Faulkner purchased the house when it was in disrepair in the 1930s and did many of the renovations himself. Other renovations were done in the 1950s.
Rowan Oak, also known as William Faulkner House, is William Faulkner's former home inOxford, Mississippi. It is a primitive Greek Revival house built in the 1840s by Robert Sheegog. Faulkner purchased the house when it was in disrepair in the 1930s and did many of the renovations himself. Other renovations were done in the 1950s.
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