2018年3月16日 星期五

PEN Arthur Miller Speech By Orhan Pamuk

PEN Arthur Miller Speech By Orhan Pamuk  (收入其文集 Other Colours:ESSAYS AND STORY, pp.179~183,該文的彩色照片,可參考網頁:


Freedom to Write
By Orhan Pamuk
The following was given on April 25 as the inaugural PEN Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Memorial Lecture. 
Tự Do Viết.

Đọc tại PEN cùng dịp với DTH.

In March 1985 Arthur Miller and Harold Pinter made a trip together to Istanbul. At the time, they were perhaps the two most important names in world theater, but unfortunately, it was not a play or a literary event that brought them to Istanbul...'I stand by my words. And even more, I stand by my right to say them...'When the acclaimed Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk recalled his country's mass killing of Armenians, he was forced to flee abroad. As he prepares to accept a peace award in Frankfurt, he tells Maureen Freely why he had to break his nation's biggest taboo.
"Tôi giữ vững những lời nói của tôi. Tôi giữ vững quyền của tôi, được nói những lời đó ra trước bàn dân thiên hạ."
Nhưng ông ta nói gì vậy?
Pamuk said that 'a million Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were killed in this country and I'm the only one who dares to talk about it'.
Ông nói, "một triệu người Armenians, và 30 ngàn người  Kurds đã bị làm cỏ, trong xứ sở này, và tôi là người độc nhất dám nói ra chuyện làm cỏ này"Sunday October 23, 2005

PEN International on Twitter: "Harold Pinter, playwright & PEN ...
7:02 AM - 10 Oct 2016
Harold Pinter, playwright & PEN Vice President, was born in 1930. Here he is, in his own words, on a mission for PEN:


