2020年5月1日 星期五

黑龍江成「下個湖北」:哈爾濱人口千萬,封城 黑龍江成「下個湖北」居民擔憂遭歧視

China’s cabinet has criticised Heilongjiang province, saying cluster outbreaks in the region could ruin nationwide efforts to curb the pandemic.
雖然中國官媒近日不斷大肆宣揚武漢在院新冠患者「清零」 ,但中國東北的黑龍江省卻陸續傳出群聚感染的案例,當地幾個大城市也開始施行嚴格的防疫措施。當地居民向德國之聲表示,他們擔憂黑龍江省已成為下一個湖北

根據黑龍江省紀委監委網站17日通報指出,9日以來哈爾濱新增確診病例26例、無症狀感染者19例,由境外移入的患者開始傳染,普遍因家人群聚或住院 ...

2 日前 - 哈爾濱的武漢肺炎疫情如今成為新一波焦點。中國官方統計,當地一名87歲的確診病患已累計傳染給78人,其中23人是無症狀感染者;而這名病患引發的疫情,已導致哈爾濱市第二醫院停止門診。

Harbin, which has a population of 10 million, restricted travel Wednesday after the 22-year-old graduate student was accused of sparking a local outbreak that ultimately infected at least 70 people, the Daily Mail reported.
The student, who was only identified by her last name, Han, returned from New York to her hometown on March 19, according to the Harbin Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

BREAKING: New coronavirus outbreak in China


China puts a city of 10 million on lockdown to curb new coronavirus outbreak


