2024年7月3日 星期三

Ghent, Belgium, the "City of Art." 花卉。糖果。倫敦Mayfair的巧克力店

Ghent, Belgium
Somewhere Street
Belgium's third-largest city, Ghent is located at the confluence of the Lys and Scheldt rivers. It's a town built by merchants who prospered due to river trade. Ghent is known as the "City of Art."

幾世紀以來,🇧🇪比利時 #根特 與其周邊地區一直以花卉和園藝聞名。🌺🌼🌸
世界上超過55% 的塊莖秋海棠產量是來自於法蘭德斯的種植者。👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾


For centuries, the region around 🇧🇪 #Ghent in Belgium has been renowned for flowers and horticulture. 🌺🌼🌸
No wonder that Flemish growers are responsible today for no less than 55% of the world’s production of tuberous begonias. 👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾
The festival of the “#Floraliën” located in the green heart of Ghent continues this well-established tradition with several interactive exhibitions combining art and innovation in the field of horticulture.

🌹More info: https://visit.gent.be/en/calendar/floralien-gent

Photo © Floralien Gent


