Dupont Circle: A Novel
Paul Kafka-Gibbons
Houghton Mifflin, 2001 - 248 頁
DUPONT CIRCLE is a vivacious comedy of marriage and romance in all its contemporary guises. Set in the nation's capital, it revolves around the city's busy intersection where old meets young, gay meets straight, rich meets poor, and past meets present.
The patrician Allard family has lived in the Dupont Circle neighborhood for generations. At the head of the family is the eminent judge Bailey Allard, whose character recalls the colorful, iconoclastic figure of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. When Bailey's grown children insist that their father find a housemate to share the lonely family mansion, a young law student, Louisa Robbins, answers his ad. The May-December romance that ensues is as much a surprise to Bailey and Louisa as it is to the family.
Love and family intersect elsewhere for Bailey, too: the District Court of Appeals, where he presides, is faced with a case that has particular relevance for the Allards. Two men legally married in one state have been denied married status in the District of Columbia. Bailey's own son, Jon, is all but married to his companion, Peter. Bailey is determined to do legal battle to ensure his son's future happiness.
As the Los Angeles Times said of Kafka-Gibbons's prizewinning LOVE , DUPONT CIRCLE is a "sprightly, intelligent romance that has all the features of hip contemporary writing, yet engages in precisely the ways that the best traditional fiction does." With great charm and goodwill, DUPONT CIRCLE engages both the issues and the heart.« 較少
關於作者 (2001)
Since winning the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for his first novel, "Love ", Paul Kafka-Gibbons has reviewed books for major papers nationwide, including the "New York Times", the "Los Angeles Times", the "Washington Post", the "Boston Globe", the "San Francisco Chronicle", & the "Dallas Morning News". He is also a professional modern dancer & has performed with companies in Paris, Washington, D.C., New York, & Boston. He resides in Somerville, Massachusetts.
貴族阿拉德家族世代居住在杜邦圓環附近。這個家族的首領是著名法官貝利·阿拉德 (Bailey Allard),他的性格讓人想起了多姿多彩、反傳統的最高法院法官威廉·道格拉斯 (William O. Douglas)。當貝利已成年的孩子們堅持要他們的父親找一名室友來共享這座孤獨的家族大宅時,一位年輕的法學院學生路易莎·羅賓斯回應了他的廣告。隨之而來的五月與十二月的戀情不僅讓貝利和路易莎一家感到驚喜,也讓他們感到非常驚喜。
正如《洛杉磯時報》評價卡夫卡·吉本斯的獲獎作品《愛》時所說,《杜邦圈》是一部「活潑、智慧的愛情小說,具備當代流行文學的所有特點,同時又以最優秀的傳統小說的方式進行創作」。杜邦圈 (DUPONT CIRCLE) 以其巨大的魅力和善意,關注問題,打動人心。
« 較少
關於作者 (2001)

占地面積 170英畝(69公頃)
建築師 米德麥金和懷特;卡雷爾和黑斯廷斯
建築風格 19世紀末和20世紀復興,安妮女王,羅馬式
NRHP編號 78003056
NRHP收錄 1978年7月21日
範圍擴展 1985年2月6日
杜邦圓環(Dupont Circle)是華盛頓哥倫比亞特區西北區的一個交通環島、公園、社區和歷史街區,位於麻薩諸塞大道、康乃狄克大道、新罕布夏大道、P街和19街的交匯處。杜邦圓環社區的邊界大致為東到16街,西到22街,南到M街、N街和羅得島大道,北到佛羅里達大道。大部分街區都被列入國家歷史名勝名錄。當地政府諮詢委員會和杜邦圓環歷史街區的邊界略有不同[1]。
^ Dupont Circle Historic District. National Park Service. [2008-06-12]. (原始內容存檔於2008-06-03).Dupont Circle: A Novel (Houghton Mifflin, 2001), by Paul Kafka-Gibbons