2025年2月22日 星期六

新石器時代的Gavrinis加夫里尼斯 通道墓, Brittany, France, the "Sistine Chapel" of the Neolithic era,

Gavrinis tomb from above
Location in Brittany, France
Location in Brittany, France
Shown within Brittany
Coordinates47°34′26″N 02°53′52″W
Typepassage tomb
Founded4200–4000 BC




加夫里尼斯位於莫爾比昂灣,其中有一座建於西元前 4200 年至西元前 4000 年之間的通道墓。該紀念碑是一座大型圓形石塚,直徑約 50 米,高 7.5 米,內部覆蓋著巨石結構。該結構由一個四邊形的墓室和一條通往外部的通道組成,這是法國西部新石器時代墓室的設計特徵。該室由大約 50 塊精心擺放的石板構成,其中最大的是天花板石板,重近 17 噸。通往墓室的通道長約14米,兩側排列著29塊直立的石頭,其中23塊飾有精美的雕刻。這些雕刻包括螺旋、鋸齒形和其他幾何形狀,以及斧頭和有角動物的描繪,讓我們一窺其建造者的象徵世界。

加夫里尼斯最令人著迷的一點是,人們發現它的一些石頭是從早期的紀念碑改造而來的。 1984 年,考古學家發現,現在隱藏在石塚內的某些石板的外側有與內部風格不同的雕刻。值得注意的是,墓室的巨大天花板曾經是一塊 14 公尺高的立石的一部分,這塊立石被劈開後在該地區的多個巨石遺址中重新使用,包括附近洛克馬裡亞凱爾的 Table des Marchands。



 Imagine stepping onto a small, uninhabited island in Brittany, France, and discovering a monument that has silently witnessed over six millennia of human history. This is Gavrinis, often hailed as the "Sistine Chapel" of the Neolithic era, renowned for its intricate megalithic art and architectural sophistication.

Located in the Gulf of Morbihan, Gavrinis houses a passage tomb constructed between 4200 and 4000 BC. The monument features a large circular stone cairn, approximately 50 meters in diameter and 7.5 meters high, covering an internal megalithic structure. This structure comprises a quadrangular chamber and an access passage leading to the outside, a design characteristic of Neolithic chambered tombs in western France. The chamber is built of about 50 carefully placed slabs, with the largest being the ceiling slab, weighing nearly 17 tons. The passage leading to the chamber is about 14 meters long, lined with 29 upright stones, of which 23 are adorned with intricate carvings. These engravings include spirals, zigzags, and other geometric shapes, as well as depictions of axes and horned animals, offering a glimpse into the symbolic world of its builders.
One of the most fascinating aspects of Gavrinis is the discovery that some of its stones were repurposed from earlier monuments. In 1984, archaeologists found that the external sides of certain slabs, now concealed within the cairn, bore carvings in a different style from those inside. Notably, the chamber's massive ceiling slab was once part of a 14-meter standing stone, which had been split and reused in multiple megalithic sites in the region, including the nearby Table des Marchands in Locmariaquer.
The art and architecture of Gavrinis suggest a society with complex spiritual beliefs and a deep understanding of their environment. The alignment of the passage indicates that the builders may have had knowledge of astronomical events, as the passage is oriented towards the winter solstice sunrise, allowing light to penetrate the chamber during this significant event.
Today, Gavrinis stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the rich cultural tapestry of our Neolithic ancestors. Accessible by a short boat trip from Larmor-Baden, the site offers visitors a unique opportunity to step back in time and marvel at the artistic and architectural achievements of a civilization long past.

