2011年4月30日 星期六

36 Hours in Singapore

90年年上半 我去過新加坡十來次

Singapore is booming, with new casinos and hotels, museums and galleries opening their doors, and, best of all, lounges and rooftop bars are helping the city-state shake off its formerly staid image.

36 Hours in Singapore

The New York Times

East Coast Lagoon Food Village, a place to sample food hawkers’ wares.

Published: December 23, 2007

SINGAPORE may be clean, efficient and manicured, but the prosperous island-state knows how to get down and dirty, too. At a string of open-air bars near the main shopping drag, young Singaporeans with stylishly tousled hair toss back martinis until the early morning. A sex therapist who styles himself “Dr. Love” has become one of the biggest celebs in town. And the Ministry of Sound, the famous British house music nightclub, has opened a branch in Singapore that pounds with local D.J.’s. That’s not to say Singapore has gone off the rails. Just stroll along its bougainvillea-draped streets, where order is still enforced by Big Nanny signs, like the one that recently read, “Low Crime Doesn’t Mean No Crime — Be Vigilant.”


3 p.m.

Get a taste of Singapore’s cultivated side at the Singapore Botanic Gardens (1 Cluny Road; 65-6471-7361; www.sbg.org.sg), an ambling 157-acre park where you’ll see a medley of Chinese, Indians and Malays practicing martial arts, doing yoga and flirting. Founded in 1859, the landscaped gardens are dotted with intricate Victorian gazebos, a micro rain forest and a dazzling collection of orchids — from the flamingo-pink hybrid Vanda Miss Joaquim (Singapore’s national flower) to varieties named after visiting V.I.P.’s like Margaret Thatcher.

6 p.m.

Southeast Asia isn’t known for beer, but that’s starting to change. Brew connoisseurs recently opened Archipelago Brewery (79 Circular Road; 65-6861-6200; www.archipelagobrewery.com), a microbrewery that revived a Singaporean beer works originally founded in 1931. Archipelago mixes standard pilsners and ales with local flavors like lemongrass, tamarind, star anise and wolfberries, a traditional ingredient in Chinese medicine.

8 p.m.

Singapore has its share of white-linen restaurants, but food-mad locals salivate for hawker centers, open-air food courts where each stall serves one dish and the cooks yell out their specialties like ballpark vendors. One of the most popular, East Coast Lagoon Food Village (1220 East Coast Parkway), sits in a tropical park on the beach. With more than 50 stalls, the Village offers everything from barbecued tiger prawns to Indonesian satay to drinks made from grass jelly and aloe vera. Dinner for one, about 10 Singapore dollars, or $6.80 at 1.47 Singapore dollars to the U.S. dollar. For a quieter, cleaner atmosphere, try the appropriately named Makansutra Gluttons Bay (Esplanade Mall; 65-6336-7025; www.makansutra.com), by the Esplanade arts complex.

10 p.m.

Cap off the evening in style. Skip the Boat Quay night-life area, unless you hanker to meet hundreds of sodden, sunburned European tourists. Instead, head to Emerald Hill, an upscale area with a cluster of hip pubs, and sip martinis at Alley Bar (2 Emerald Hill Road; 65-6738-8818), a long and sleek lounge frequented by aspiring fashion models.


7 a.m.

Singapore’s skyscraping downtown makes it easy to forget that parks cover much of this island. But in recent years, Singaporeans have gone wild for adventure sports. Get up before the mercury rises and head to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (177 Hindhede Drive; 65-6468-5736; www.nparks.gov.sg/nature_bukit.asp), a 400-acre rain forest that is home to garrulous macaques and some 500 other animal species. Hiking and biking trails wind through the jungle, creeping with vines and giant ferns. Watch out for the flying lemurs: the possum-sized critters glide overhead between huge jelutong trees.


In the past decade, wealthy Singapore has become a regional hub for contemporary art, attracting painters and sculptors from China, Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand. For a glimpse of the expanding art scene, visit the MICA Building (140 Hill Street; www.mica.gov.sg), a colorful gallery warehouse in a former police station, now run by the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts. In the building, the Soobin Art International gallery (65-6837-2777; www.soobinart.com.sg) features groundbreaking Chinese artists like Luo Jie, known for his sharp political cartoons.

2 p.m.

Long before Jean-Georges, Singapore’s chefs created the ultimate fusion food, a mishmash of Chinese, Indian and Malay influences that resulted in unique, if not always pretty, dishes like chili crab and fish-head curry. Many of these dishes are created in a single wok, and are much easier to master than, say, classic French cooking. Shermay’s Cooking School (Block 43 Jalan Merah Saga, 03-64 Holland Village; 65-6479-8442; www.shermay.com) was created by Shermay Lee, who wrote the definitive cookbook on Nyonya cuisine, which marries Chinese and Malay cuisine. Courses, which last roughly three hours, start at 109 Singapore dollars.

5 p.m.

Shopping is a national sport, and the main drag, Orchard Road, resembles a tourist mosh pit on weekends; one tour group knocked me down as they scrambled, like escaped convicts, into a sporting goods store. (You can avoid the crowds by arriving early, but then you’ll miss the action.) Or skip Orchard altogether for the high-end boutiques in Holland Village, a suburb of villas and leafy streets that draws local fashionistas and expatriates. Galerie Cho Lon (01-76 43 Jalan Merah, Saga; 65-6473-7922), an exquisitely cluttered boutique, has classic Chinese chairs and screens, antique wood furniture and books on Asian history and art.

8 p.m.

Singapore’s National Museum (93 Stamford Road; 65-6332-2659; www.nationalmuseum.sg) is housed in a neo-Classical-style building from 1887, but it’s not just for art lovers. At night, the soaring marble rotunda becomes the funky restaurant Novus (65-6336-8770; www.novus.sg). It serves modern European cuisine with Asian touches like five-spiced duck with poached quince (32 Singapore dollars) and crispy-skinned snow cod with garlic pain perdu (34 dollars). If you arrive before your reservation (highly recommended), sidle over to the nearby bar, Muse, and rub elbows with the high-society crowd, who were spotted comparing their silver-plated cellphones on a recent visit.


Though many ethnic neighborhoods have lost their authenticity (Little India resembles a movie set), the Arab Quarter remains dingy, crowded and real. Wander along Bussorah Street, the main drag, where you’ll find halal cafes open until the early morning. Most draw a mixed crowd of Singaporeans, Lebanese, Moroccans and Indonesians, who come to smoke shisha pipes, snack on olives, flatbreads and other tidbits and occasionally watch local belly dancers shake it up.



Take a cab to Chinatown, where young entrepreneurs have gutted classic old Chinese shop houses painted purple and pink, and turned them into a warren of new and New Agey cafes. The Whatever (20 Keong Saik Road; 65-6224-0300; www.whatever.com.sg) is a cafe that serves organic salads, soups and nutty coffee (10 Singapore dollars for breakfast), along with yoga, reiki and enough kabbalah books to satisfy Madonna.

2 p.m.

For a quick getaway, Sentosa is an island resort over a causeway bridge, or eight minutes on the new Sentosa Express monorail (www.sentosa.com.sg). The resort is being developed with two new casinos, but for now you can stroll through lush green scenery and small, Disney-esque theme parks. If you tire, stop at quiet Tanjong Beach. Or head for a rubdown at Sentosa’s Spa Botanica (65-6371-1318; www.spabotanica.com), a pleasure palace set inside tropical gardens and complete with an open-air volcanic mud bath. A 90-minute steam bath and massage costs 170 Singapore dollars.

The Basics

Singapore Airlines flies nonstop from Newark to Singapore. A recent Internet search found fares starting at $1,575 for January. Cheaper fares can sometimes be found with non-direct service, with changes in places like Bangkok or Tokyo.

For colonial-era décor and exhaustive pampering, check into the Raffles (1 Beach Road; 65-6337-1886; www.singapore-raffles.raffles.com). Dating back to 1887, the hotel has been painstakingly restored and is staffed by Indian attendants in white coats with gold tassels. Rooms start at around 1,000 Singapore dollars, about $680 at 1.47 Singapore dollars to the U.S. dollar.

Singapore has also blossomed with boutique hotels. The New Majestic Hotel (31-37 Bukit Pasoh Road; 65-6511-4700; www.newmajestichotel.com) enlisted local contemporary artists to design each room, including one covered wall to floor in mirrors. Rooms from 300 Singapore dollars.

The Royal Peacock (55 Keong Saik Road; 65-6223-3522; www.royalpeacockhotel.com), in a converted Chinese shop house, offers nicely designed rooms starting at 135 Singapore dollars. For deep hotel discounts, try www.asiarooms.com, though you may have to pay for the room in advance.

For event listings, check out Time Out Singapore (www.timeout.com/sg/en/), I-S (www.is-weekend.com), a free local magazine, or The Straits Times (www.straitstimes.com), the leading English-language newspaper.

2011年4月26日 星期二

校園 (大學與公司)

與一些校園交往較深 東海大學的達40餘載
這兩校園在台灣的環境下 都還算可以的

美國大公司的總部 也常稱為 campus (拉丁文 原意只是 field 原野)
August 10, 2009 IBM Corp. recently held a massive brainstorming session among college students and others on campus ...

我曾經在越南等地見過台商的工廠的經營 類似 campus
可是 建築物與人材 可比好的或豐富的大學略差點或差多了



「がんばっぺし」元気もわかす希望の湯 岩手
















2011年4月25日 星期一

申根協定之考驗Pope urges Europe to welcome migrants from North Africa

Religion | 24.04.2011

Pope urges Europe to welcome migrants from North Africa

In his Easter sermon, Pope Bendict VI lamented the violence and conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East and called on Europe to accept more migrants from war-torn countries.

In his traditional Easter message to the world Pope Bendict XVI contrasted the joy of the Easter season with the violence and strife in North Africa and the Middle East and called on Europe to welcome more migrants from war-torn areas like Libya.

"Here, in this world of ours, the Easter hallelujah still contrasts with the cries and laments that arise from so many painful situations: deprivation, hunger, disease, war, violence," he said in his "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world) address.

He urged diplomacy in Libya, where NATO is involved in a mission to contain a deadly conflict between forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi and rebel factions demanding his resignation.

Respect for human rights

The faithful crowd St. Peter's square during Easter massBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Around 100,000 flocked to St. Peter's Square in Rome

The 84-year-old pope presided at mass for more than 100,000 people who had flocked to a flower-strewn St. Peter's Square in Rome.

The pope, who delivered his Easter greetings in 65 languages, appealed to European governments to welcome those trying to escape war in their countries.

"May help come from all sides to those fleeing conflict and to refugees from various African countries who have been obliged to leave all that is dear to them," he said.

Over the last month, a row over how to handle thousands of refugees from North Africa, has caused ructions in the EU, with Italy complaining that it has been left to its own devices dealing with migrants flocking to the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa.

Pope Benedict also urged peaceful co-existence in Ivory Coast, which has been embroiled in a violent and deadly conflict, triggered by a standoff between ousted President Laurent Gbagbo and newly-elected President Alassane Ouattara.

First TV address

On Good Friday, in a pre-recorded program broadcast on Italian state television, the pope responded to seven questions put forward by selected lay people around the world. It marked a new attempt by the head of the Roman Catholic Church to freshen up his image.

The program took the format of an Italian TV chat show, with a moderator and a panel of experts before a studio audience. He answered questions about ongoing conflicts in Africa and the Middle East as well as controversial issues such as euthanasia.

Author: Nicole Goebel (Reuters, dpa, KNA)
Editor: Andreas Illmer

2011-04-24 大洋網-廣州日報
據新華社電 法國政府22日放風說,歐洲《申根協定》需要“升級”,法國打算暫停執行這一允許申根區國家人員自由流動的協定,阻擋利比亞和突尼斯非法移民。













2011年4月22日 星期五

加州今昔 (1975 v 2010?)

<標靶北半球>加州今昔  ■張至璋

 伯克萊加大最近對加州居民做了項調查,加州是不是適合居住的地方?被調查者中只有 39%認為「是」。該校 1985年對加州居民做過同樣調查,答「是」的高達 78%, 39的兩倍。而 1960年代加州移民熱時代的民調,認為加州適合美國人居住的高達 90%以上。

 從最早的調查到現在,前後相隔約五十年,百分比從 90掉到 39,落差也大約五十。加州的居住滿意度,平均一年掉一個百分點,離現在越近掉得越厲害,儘管五十年來北加州發展出矽谷,南加州商業和影藝業興盛,整個加州生產力對世界舉足輕重,但是居民的不滿意度越來越高。舉 1975年和現在的幾項比較數字:

  1975年加州人口 2150萬, 2011年 3880萬人,加上非法移民大約四千萬。

 加州西班牙裔人口(主要為墨西哥) 1975年 270萬,現在 1360萬。

 牛奶價格 1975年每加侖 1.57元,現在 3.5元。

 加大學費 1975年 647元,現在 1萬 1279元。

 加州中間家庭收入 1975年 1萬 7393元,現在 5萬 6134元。

 至於房價,舉州長布朗租屋為例, 1975年他在加州首府沙加緬度第 14街租的單間公寓,月租 250元。 2010年他再度當選,在同樣地區相隔兩條街,第 16街也租個單間公寓,這個月租金升到 2300元。布朗是以節省出名的美國政治家。

  加州人不滿意加州的主要原因是,舊金山和洛杉磯兩大都市房價高,可是多處房價跌落貸款額以下,人們不是買不起房子,就是財產縮水,乃至拋棄房屋,躲避貸 款。另一原因是墨西哥裔合法或非法移民人口增加太快。最近加州人口普查,白人只佔一半,墨裔佔三分之一多,然後是亞裔和非裔。墨裔人口雖然增長快速,但也 帶來大量勞工,有助穩定社會勞力市場,可是傳統上白人多半不願意和其他種族雜居,即使他們反對種族歧視。

  可是加州仍然是海外,特別是亞洲學子和就業的理想市場,這歸功於矽谷高科技,和史丹福及加大幾個分校的教學聲譽。儘管有許多不利居住的統計數字,可是也有 好的一面,例如暴力犯罪的每 10萬人比例, 1975年有 655件,現在 453件,說明加州人口增加,犯罪率降低。

 雖然失業率高,買不起房子,可是加州成功的企業家很多, 1975年比爾蓋茲只有 19歲,微軟剛在萌芽,現在他是全美首富,身價 540億元。


2011年4月21日 星期四

石燈伴老樹 ( 竹林山觀音寺)/ Treasured cherry tree blooms/哲學之道






石燈伴老樹 文、攝影/陳文榮
《2011/04/13 07:32》


Treasured cherry tree blooms in quake-hit Fukushima




People enjoy the cherry blossoms of one of Japan's oldest cherry trees in Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture. (Masaru Komiyaji)

After the Great East Japan Earthquake rattled Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture, on March 11, cracks were found on local roadways. But one of Japan's national treasures was spared.

Miharu-takizakura (waterfall cherry tree) is one of three cherry trees in Japan believed to be more than 1,000 years old. It is currently in full bloom.

Normally, thousands of people flock to Miharu-takizakura during hanami season, but this year special bus services and tree illumination were canceled because of the damage caused by the March 11 quake, which hit the town with an intensity of upper 5.

Miharu is about 50 kilometers from the leaking Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant--well outside the 20-km evacuation zone--but tourist numbers are down for Miharu-takizakura.

About 60,000 people, one-fifth the normal amount, have visited the famous cherry tree, according to the tourist association in Miharu.

But Miharu-takizakura is not forgotten. The town has received a great number of heartfelt messages by telephone from across the nation showing concerns over the health of the tree.

Miharu is glad to report that its national treasure is just fine, and is currently showing of its pink-hued splendor.

米埔自然護理區(Mai Po Nature Reserve)

米埔溼地行 文、繪圖∕劉克襄
《中華 2011/04/21》

 去年冬末應邀旅遊局之邀,才有機會深入。以前未進去時,光是在周遭水塘觀察,水鳥的 豐富已夠讓人驚奇。這回依然,大群鸕鶿在電線桿和苦楝枯樹上,壯觀地佇立或起落。
 米埔溼地目前由世界自然基金會香港分會經營,從 1983年迄今,進行各種學術研究教育工作,成績斐然。基金會在溼地外圍設有辦公大樓和服務中心,我們抵達時,解說員張詩敏小姐已經等候多時。在她帶領下,緩步進入溼地。




  以前的漁塭老板很不喜歡鸕鶿。鸕鶿和鷺鷥科鳥類在漁塭恣意捉魚,造成不小的損失。漁塭主人為了保護自己辛苦養殖的魚種,都想要驅趕牠們,但現今接手的老板 觀點迥異。他覺得鸕鶿也是這塊溼地的主人,應該共同享有此地的食物資源,因而並未進行驅散。昔時漁塭旁邊杵著的鳥網桿,仍然佇立著,讓鸕鶿在此仍有飛降、 捕魚的位置。

 時間接近中午,有一群香港中學生在前方聆聽溼地課。村徑旁有水翁、細葉榕、木麻黃、黃槿、蒲桃、苦楝和朴子等等防風樹種,除了前兩種,其它在台灣都相當常見。一路都立有解說牌,也有分岔的村徑 ,各自引進一間間賞鳥小木屋,或者通往其它村徑。

 每一塊基圍都 有刻意栽種的海岸植物,或蘆葦或紅樹木,有時則為空曠之地,吸引岸鳥到來。除了鸕鶿外,還有諸多水鳥在淺水的環境忙碌覓食。我熱切渴望在此邂逅全身雪白帶著黑斑的大翠鳥,斑翡翠,但撞見幾個秀麗的環境後,便不再強求。


 從賞鳥小屋遠眺,前方水灘再度出現上百隻水鳥覓食的盛況。後頭更是熱鬧,一排樹叢龐大數量的鸕鶿鳥群羅列枯枝。但後頭的後頭,更有迷人的風景。遠遠的邊際,深圳的商業大樓,高大如長城大山般 矗立。如此層次,如此城鄉強烈對比,教人對此塊的保育更感到窩心。



 保育中心是間密覆著綠色植物的矮房,隱密地座落著,不跟周遭環境砥觸。後頭水塘,許多鸕鶿和其它水鳥棲息樹枝頭,離房子很近。我們走出去,鳥群並不畏生。整個教育中心非常簡單,主要是做研究和 調查。

  目前教育中心的負責人是文賢繼教授,我和他交換心得。沒聊幾句,發現好多台灣觀鳥專家都是他的朋友。賞鳥這件事,其實很難有國界之分,凡關心者都是友人, 我們一下子便談得熱絡。文教授來自大陸內地,十年前加入世界自然基金會,負責米埔自然保護區管理濕地的培訓項目,具備豐富的溼地知識和經驗。


  如今它面臨的最大問題是周遭的污染,珠江三角洲帶來的泥沙陸化非常嚴重,必須不斷疏伐。不過,米埔現在也是大陸生態保育者到香港取經的聖地,畢竟這兒已經 有四五十年的經驗,失敗和成功的案例相對豐富,足以做為各地海岸的參考,或者以此避免再 重蹈覆轍。文教授跟我對話時,特別提到此一狀態。他很客氣,特別 稱讚關渡自然溼地公園的解說教育很成功,很值得他們學習。





米埔內后海灣拉姆薩爾國際重要濕地英語Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site),在當地稱為米埔自然護理區Mai Po Nature Reserve),是一片位於香港元朗區北面米埔一帶的濕地。於冬天時,濕地有不少來自中國北部西伯利亞的候鳥在此過冬。





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根據野生動物保護條例(第170章),米埔自然保護區是一個「限制進入或處於其內的地區」,以便對保護區內野生動植物的干擾減至最低。參觀者需要持 有由漁農自然護理署署長發出的有效「進入米埔沼澤許可證」方可進入米埔自然保護區範圍。如希望經邊境禁區前往浮橋盡處的觀鳥屋觀賞后海灣泥灘的雀鳥,須另 向香港警務處申請「邊境禁區通行證」。世界自然基金會香港分會可為申請人申請通行證,請把護照個人資料頁的副本寄交基金會。申請手續一般需時四星期,每張 個人通行證的行政費為港幣100元。申請詳情可查詢基金會綱址:http://www.wwf.org.hk/getinvolved/gomaipo/spetour/

米埔濕地每年約有40,000參觀人次,其中包括約10,000名學生。學生參觀項目於逢星期一至星期五舉行,費用由教育局全 數資助,而每年的中小學校參觀活動接近400個。於逢星期六、日及公眾假期﹝農曆新年除外﹞,米埔濕地則開放給公眾人士參觀,世界自然基金會香港分會並會 安排自然導賞員作講解,一個三小時的導賞活動收費每位70港元﹝包括代辨禁區通行證﹞。參加者可網上預約參觀日期,綱址為:http://online.wwf.org.hk/booking/tc/info.html?type=PT&st=Public#1


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2011年4月9日 星期六

跟杭州有緣The Poetry of Hangzhou

to 鄭志庚: "謝謝 你跟杭州真的有緣...."

Next Stop

The Poetry of Hangzhou

Jackie Caradonio

Traditional pagodas and wooden sampan boats are common sights along West Lake in Hangzhou, once a refuge for painters and poets.

ON a misty afternoon in February, Lingyin Temple, a fourth-century Buddhist site that is one of China’s most important sanctuaries, felt more like a carnival than a place of worship. In large multigenerational packs, festive families were gathered for the Lunar New Year holiday, tossing fistfuls of ceremonial paper money into huge open fire pits and waving incense sticks as they jostled through crowds on their way to visit the 80-foot-high Buddha that is the building’s centerpiece. All the while they were downing fried tofu on sticks and corn on the cob and taking photos of everything on digital cameras. My family and I, possessing the only Western faces in the crowd, qualified as a photo coup — especially my towheaded toddler. “Look over here, foreign baby!” a young mother shouted as she held up her baby next to mine. The holiday period may officially last only a week, but the celebratory mood in Hangzhou seems to have permanently taken over this ever more vital city.


Hangzhou has always held a near mythical status in China, both for its beautiful lakeside location and as a place for meditative and spiritual retreat in times of trouble. During the culturally rich but politically disastrous Southern Song period of the 12th and 13th centuries, many of the country’s most famous painters and poets lived here, seeking escape on the banks of the tranquil, willow-shaded West Lake while influential monks established temples with towering pagodas in the quiet hilltops nearby.

For generations, schoolchildren from all over China have grown up learning verses that were inspired by this place. One of the most famous poets, Bai Ju Yi, wrote, “Remembering the Fair South,/As always, it is Hangzhou I most recall:/ Amongst the mountain temples/ I search for the osmanthus petals/ From which the moon did fall.”

And although it has never been a common destination for foreign tourists, it made a lasting impression on those who discovered it. As Marco Polo described it: “In heaven there is paradise/ On earth, Suzhou and Hangzhou.”

Today, though Hangzhou is a teeming city of eight million, foreign tourists remain rare. In 2009 it attracted 63 million visitors — Venice, by comparison, draws about 20 million annually — but only 5 percent were from outside China.

That is primed to change, with a raft of new luxury hotels and a new high-speed train arriving from Shanghai’s gleaming Hongqiao station. The train, which made its debut last October, means that the trip from Shanghai to Hangzhou is 40 minutes, compared with the three-hours-plus it used to take by car. And the voyage itself, which costs less than $20, exposes passengers to a fascinating montage of old and new China (new cookie-cutter cul-de-sacs emerge alongside derelict old structures that are quickly being razed), all at 250 miles an hour.

Despite its size, the city is laid out well for visitors, with the new and quickly growing part of Hangzhou separated from the more ancient sites by a large lake and a series of medieval canals and craggy hills in the distance. Yang Yi, a journalist for The City Express, took me on a tour of the historic He Fang Street with its bustling wood teahouses, noting his amazement and pride at the speed of development. “On the south edge of the city there used to be only acres and acres of peasant land on the opposite side of the river,” he said. “Now I just see more and more buildings.”

But even if Hangzhou’s former status as a peaceful refuge from the rough and tumble world of politics and business may be mostly symbolic at this point, it still carries heavy spiritual weight and the burgeoning middle class is streaming in to see the temples, lake and the sheltered pagodas. To me, observing the first generation of domestic travelers enjoying their leisure time and taking in the nationally beloved sites was every bit as interesting as the sites themselves.

It is clear that tourism is booming and new attractions are being opened to complement the city’s must-see staples: The city’s bike paths (dotted with the bright red bicycles provided by the city for only 50 cents a day) are crowded with Chinese tourists from Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing; beautiful old-style restaurants like Dragon Well Mansion (notable for its excellent local and organic ingredients) serve up dishes like sea cucumber and poached river fish to well-heeled Chinese tourists showing off newfound wealth; and new museums like Zhejiang Art Museum, which opened in 2009, mix contemporary work with traditional exhibits and calligraphy in a bid to attract a younger crowd.

Not surprisingly, luxury hotels have also arrived. The Shangri-la, Aman resorts, Banyan Tree and Four Seasons have all unveiled outposts in the last few years, and the Angsara plans to open a hotel this year. The new resorts, removed from the new part of the city, have all positioned themselves to be quiet enclaves in the hubbub: the Amanfayun resort has reinvented a former tea village near Lingyin Temple and turned it into a series of pared-down villas with a destination spa and dim sum restaurant, and the Banyan Tree sits within one of the country’s most impressive wetland parks. The newest arrival, the Four Seasons, sits on a quiet bank of West Lake with over 10 acres of landscaped gardens and pavilion-like structures.

But even outside the hotels’ grounds, it is still possible to find moments of quiet inspiration. From a simple jetty, an old Chinese boatman took us out on a sampan, one of the traditional wooden boats that is Hangzhou’s equivalent of a gondola. The sound of paddling was the only thing we heard as we passed under stone-arch bridges and alongside banks of bamboo and willow trees. Skeleton-like branches peeked out of the mist; high up in the hills a lone pagoda kept watch over the lake; a fishing boat sat almost motionless in the water; a songbird rested in a willow tree. We passed secluded spots with names like Lotus on the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard, Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor, Melting Snow at Broken Bridge and Listening to the Orioles in the Willows.

And then our lonely boat entered the main part of the lake. Pagoda-style ferries bobbed on the water, locals were taking in the sights of the smaller inner island of Three Moons Mirroring the Moon, where some set up impromptu picnics. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to be a part of Hangzhou’s new poetry.



Most foreign carriers have flights to Shanghai, and Delta is negotiating to have direct flights from Kennedy, San Francisco International and Los Angeles International airports to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. From Shanghai take the new high-speed train at the city’s Hongqiao station (have your hotel purchase tickets ahead of time if you are staying in Shanghai beforehand).

In Hangzhou, taxis are easy to find and cheap, but to bypass the growing congestion rent a bike (you can pick one up from Lonxiang Bridge bus station). The city plans to unveil a new metro system next year.


The secluded Four Seasons Hangzhou West Lake (5 Lingyin Road; 86-571-8829-8888; fourseasons.com) has doubles from $381.

Right behind Lingyin Temple, Amanfayun (22 Fayun Nong; 86-571-8732-9999; amanresorts.com) offers villas starting at $580.

The Banyan Tree (86-571-8586-0000; banyantree.com) in Xixi National Wetland Park has binoculars for birdwatchers and 72 rooms and villas with rates starting at $540.


The most atmospheric way to see West Lake is by a traditional wooden sampan (they cost about 100 renminbi, or $15.60 an hour, at 6.40 renminbi to the dollar), which you can catch at one of the city’s jetties.

Lingyin Temple (1 Fayun Road; 86-571-8796-8665; lingyinsi.org) is a working monastery for the monks who make their home there (you can join them in their prayers at 3:30 p.m. daily). Just outside the temple the over 400 carvings cut into the limestone known as Flying Peak are just exquisite. Admission for just the temple is 30 renminbi; with access to Flying Peak, 45 renminbi.

Another must-see is Liuhe Pagoda, with its beautiful Song Dynasty sculptures and its excellent views.

Zhejiang Art Museum (138 Nashan Road; 86-571-8707-8700; zjam.org.cn) has an interesting mix of ancient and contemporary art. Admission is free.

For a cup of the tea that Hangzhou is famous for, head to Lonjing, the village up in the hills surrounded by tea plantations that serve their tea in the main square, or to Tai Ji Cha Dao (184 He Fang Road; 86-571-878-01791), one of the traditional teahouses on He Fang Road.

In individual dining rooms at Dragon Well Manor, taste specialties from Hangzhou and Shanghai (all sourced by the owner), which range from wild duck in broth to braised pork with free range egg in a 12-course tasting menu that is 1,600 renminbi for two.

2011年4月7日 星期四






謝先生任教台師大是在劉真校長主掌校務時,即1940年代末、1960年代以前。據記載,大學之有「新文藝習作」課,始於謝冰瑩執教華北文法學院。台師大的 「新文藝習作」課,也許與謝先生有關。瘂弦又問:「有沒有趕上牟先生?」指的是牟宗三。1950年起,牟先生四十出頭,在台師大教了六年書,主講「理則 學」、「哲學概論」、「中國哲學史」。早年我在台中師專念書,以熊十力《讀經示要》指導學生的周人傑老師是牟先生的學生,我算是間接啟蒙,讀了一些牟先生 的著作。90年代我去香港新亞研究所聽課,時牟先生講學於新亞。我因主修文學,來去時間緊迫,沒能坐定於牟先生課堂,不二年他就辭世,終於未把握住親聆教 誨的最後機會。但牟先生的《理則學》幫我在公務員高等考試拿過高分,我的邏輯認識,悉來自於此。


牟 先生曾撰文追憶熊十力的生命丰姿,感嘆抗戰時學風士習之斲喪,主張大學要迎納有真生命、真性情的學人,「藏龍臥虎,豪傑歸焉,雖駁而不純,蕩而無歸,然猶 有真人存焉」。駁而不純,反倒能形成多元相激之勢;蕩而無歸,雖未必收得確切成效,但疏通引導的意義已經發生。今天學界中之活動,紛繁爭競、看似蓬勃,也 有不少是制式僵化的,是餖飣瑣碎的。學者需要同一的標準,在差不多的模式裡做差不多的事嗎?我每想起牟先生那一代,未嘗不為獨來獨往的慧命沉吟而體悟;是 的,學術氣機不存在於窄陋的學術機關,不存在於標準規格的氣場。

1975年我服完兵役,決定到台北,一心念台師大。已經放棄了高考分發的公務員職位,為了生計,白天留在小學任教,晚上才去師大上課。忘了是哪一位先生將 國文系師承上溯至曾國藩;曾國藩〈聖哲畫像記〉稱文、周、孔、孟……韓、柳、歐、曾、李、杜、蘇、黃等三十二人為聖哲,將經緯萬匯之道歸之於「禮」,他既 是中興名臣,也是一代文學家。我年少同情石達開、李秀成,不解曾氏何以要滅太平天國,坐擁清朝半壁江山而不乘時反清?後來發現答案乃在禮教存亡之際,他 「毅然有守先待後,舍我其誰之志」。1950年代,台師大國文系是台灣最早成立碩博士班的大學,我的老師將師大國文系繫連上清代學術系統,緣於當年主導系 所學術發展的林尹、高明、潘重規等先生都是黃侃的學生;黃侃是章太炎的學生,章太炎是俞樾的學生,曾國藩則是俞樾的主考官。這一譜系看似無稽,但在講道統 的國文系,並非全無精神意義。

我 讀台師大國文系時,除了楊昌年老師教的「新文藝習作」一門課外,其餘皆古典。詩、詞、曲、古文作業且都規定以毛筆書寫。有的老師穿西裝,有的老師仍慣穿長 袍,他們在學院外的名氣未必頂大,但確實學有專精,尤其可貴的是上一代學人在古典領域的博通,不自限於詞章、義理或考據單獨一門。

中文學問最宜講究的就是不要問所學對眼前有何裨益,它是超脫於一時一地,有如「修道」之旨趣。回想台師大的日子,我最難忘汪中老師的名士風神,在課堂上他 有時會咬一根菸斗,氤逸著甜香的菸絲味,隔個兩三周就發下一份他自作手寫的詩稿影本給同學,字構挺秀帶著隨興的飄逸。那時我們太幼稚,什麼都不懂,只隨手 夾進書裡,沒好好讀,更不用說能有什麼心得感想。有一次默寫古詩十九首,我模仿老師的字體,發卷時老師問:「陳義芝是哪一位?」他面帶微笑說,「字寫得不 錯……」有一首古典詩習作,老師評為「高華」,我一直保存著那份卷子,這幾年因數度搬家,不知封存在哪一個箱子裡,一時無從翻尋。

出入於經史,以《雲在盦詩稿》稱譽的沈秋雄老師,指導我讀學庸,也常在我胸臆繫念。我任教過的私立復興中學,就是沈老師介紹我去的。從前的中文系不乏才高 的飲者,師友酬唱之風迷人,或「步韻奉和」或「次韻奉答」,或「走筆和之」,既考驗詩藝,也顯揚情懷。「一曲聆君頭欲白,不辭爛醉作生涯」,這是沈老師的 詩。對世事敏感的人文知識分子,當無可奈何之世,酒成了蒼涼而可樂之友。沈老師上課有時會帶著一張微醺的臉來。1970年代的學生不但不以為意,還頗欣賞 才子老師的性情。而今學院規矩森森,學生有權考評老師;寂寞獨尋、縱情放逸已不受高牆中人欣賞,大學風景從而遜色不少。

我讀台師大時,租了一間小房在和平東路尾,門前有一條小河,前方是田壩子,遠處是公墓;搭公車到和平東路頭的學校,只需十分鐘。1967年台師大始改名國 立台灣師範大學,之前是台灣省立師範大學,簡稱師大。當時和平東路兩側多矮房,店家不多。我曾想,如果當年能讓校門前那一段和平東路行車地下化,使校本 部、教育學院區、學生宿舍區合在一起,甚至多徵收點周邊土地,現在的主要校區就不致顯得那麼小了。上學期我問新入學的學生入學後感想,有好幾位頗以校園內 不能奔馳單車為憾。如果問我這個新進教師有什麼感想,我想到「圓」這個字。畢業後極難得與師大聯繫,沒想到三十年後還是回返原地。

我沒查校史,但能確定很多系所都是從前沒有的,例如:圖文傳播、光電科技、海洋環境、歐洲文化與觀光、表演藝術、餐旅管理與教育、台灣文化及語言文學…… 總計十個學院,將近六十系所,顯然已從培育師資轉型為一所全方位的大學。每當我走入總圖書館,看到左側校史展區牆上一大串星月爭輝的名字:溥心畬、梁實 秋、郭廷以、黃君璧、田培林、陳可忠、劉真、朱德群、余光中、許常惠、席德進、廖修平、鄭善禧、董陽孜……總有不廢江河萬古流之感。他們或執教或受教,鮮 明的跡痕增添了台師大的光采。

由 於擁有「國語教學中心」、「法語教學中心」、「英語文教學中心」,麗水街旁的校區經常可見外國學生進出。春來,孔子銅像後的桃花盛開,當我經過,不免想像 那些高矮胖瘦的年輕洋同學,膚色不同、國度不同,先來後到,偶然又碰頭在桃樹跟前,會不會輕輕地說一聲中文:「噢,你也在這裡嗎?」

阿勃勒是台師大的校樹,俗名黃金雨,和平東路兩個校區都有,特別是校本部進門兩旁各植一長排,初春此刻,樹枝懸垂著一支支綠色筆管型的莢果,不像夏天開黃 花時麗人般的綺美誘人,倒像是一列書生在程門立雪。校園有好幾棟二級古蹟建築,都超過八十年歷史了,深紅色面磚、洗石子磚柱,紅白相間,加上尖拱屋頂、古 堡城垛、雕花窗台,極樸雅古意。

我最常流連的地方,當然是文學院大樓,不管在研究室或上課的教室。窗前,高大的茄苳與小葉欖仁吸引了數不清的鳥來這裡當莊園,吱吱啾啾婉轉不停,葉隙閃動 著光,我瞇眼望向枝叢深處出神,鳥啼像風的舞者、水波跳動的光,更像心思撒出去的一張細網;由於眼力不足,我只能看到如小拳頭大的一群綠鳥搶枝、振翼,瞬 即隱匿。人的世界與鳥的世界一樣,在歡唱中代代傳衍,嘻嘻哈哈年輕的學生像鳥,西瓜節、湯圓會、啦啦隊比賽……一大堆活動,在校園擁有全部的春天!而我, 只偶爾在茄苳樹下喝杯咖啡,去到側門餐廳點一客麵食,遙想從前,我也有綠繡眼般輕靈的歲月啊,一轉眼卻像端肅的教士、一隻黑冠麻鷺,只偶爾,挺直著腰桿漫 步。






李季谷 詞/蕭而化 曲



【2011/04/07 聯合報】

2011年4月6日 星期三



2011年 則是 國光石化案


徐光蓉認為,台灣不需要國光石化這類高耗能、高汙染產業,犧牲環境、人民健康,卻只能賺取微薄利潤。台大農經系系主任徐世勳昨天提出國光石化縮小規模後評 估數據,發現國光石化開發案導致的罹病成本達四十六億四千萬元,若加上壽命減少、無法工作等成本,造成的健康成本損失在五十億到五十五億元間。




2011年4月1日 星期五




Entertainment and sports complex in NE New Jersey, in the meadows of the Hackensack River, NW of New York City.

Children’s Books

The Other Jersey Shore

From “Meadowlands”

Just as some books that children find appealing make librarians want to yank their hair out, so other books guaranteed to please school librarians turn children’s gazes toward the recess yard. Then there are the books that satisfy both, like “Meadowlands,” by Hoboken’s Thomas F. Yezerski. Parents in Summit and Montclair will probably like it too.


A Wetlands Survival Story

Written and illustrated by Thomas F. Yezerski

40 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $17.99. (Picture book; ages 5 to 8)


From “Meadowlands”

Tracing the history of northern New Jersey’s beleaguered ecosystem step by step from its Lenni Lenape days to its industrial nadir, through shopping mall construction and suburban development and, finally, to the stubborn re-emergence of its indigenous wildlife, “Meadowlands” depicts the human potential for both destruction and renewal. Yezerski not only can write a book on how to teach children about their environmental impact — he has. “Meadowlands” is tremendously (but not intimidatingly) informative, fun to read and gorgeous to look at.

“Meadowlands” is probably best for first and second graders, but 5-year-olds too will follow the story line, even if they don’t understand every concept, and all readers, young and old, will appreciate the detailed drawings that decorate the border of each spread. The introductory page, alerting New Yorkers to the existence of wetlands in what many assume to be the exclusive province of airports and strip malls, shows football fans, mobsters, mosquitoes and rest stops. (The only thing missing, to this New Yorker’s mind, is a Madonna concert at the Izod Center, often known as the Meadowlands arena, circa 1989.)

But while the book allows for humor, its message is serious. Impassioned without being preachy, “Meadowlands” ends on a high note for “this flat, wet, beautiful place”: “In July 2007, for the first time in 50 years, a young osprey — a bird of prey — leaped out and took flight from a nest its parents had built in the Meadowlands.” Pale Male, you’ve got competition to the south.

Montclair (pronounced /mɒntˈklɛər/ or /mɒŋˈklɛər/) is a township in Essex County, New Jersey, United States.