2024年12月25日 星期三

關於澳洲您可能不知道的 15 個有趣事實15 Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Australia 澳洲警轄區超大

關於澳洲您可能不知道的 15 個有趣事實
1. 澳洲是世界上唯一同時也是一個大陸的國家,以陸地面積計算,它是第六大國家。
2. 大堡礁位於昆士蘭海岸附近,是地球上最大的生物結構,可以從太空中看到。
3. 澳洲是世界上最致命的動物-箱形水母的家園,它的螫傷會在幾分鐘內導致心臟衰竭和死亡。
4. 這個國家以其獨特的野生動物而聞名,包括鴨嘴獸(為數不多的產卵哺乳動物之一)和不能倒退行走的袋鼠。
5. 內陸地區是澳洲廣闊而偏遠的內陸地區,是世界上人口最稀少的地區之一,擁有大片沙漠和標誌性的紅色岩層。
6. 澳洲的國家象徵鴯鶓是世界上第二大的鳥類,奔跑速度可達 50 公里/小時(31 英里/小時)。
7. 澳洲擁有 19 個聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,包括塔斯馬尼亞荒野、烏魯魯和雪梨歌劇院。
8. 澳洲是地球上一些最古老的生物體的家園,例如岡瓦納雨林中擁有 5000 年歷史的克隆樹。
9. 世界上最長的柵欄被稱為野狗柵欄,綿延超過 5,600 公里(3,480 英里),最初是為了防止野狗進入肥沃的農田而建造的。
10. 雪梨標誌性的歌劇院不僅是建​​築奇蹟,也是建築奇蹟。它擁有 1,500 多個房間,每年舉辦 1,500 多場演出。
11. 澳洲阿爾卑斯山每年的降雪量比瑞士還多,使其成為冬季運動愛好者的一顆隱藏寶石。
12. 該國擁有世界上一些最毒的生物,包括內陸太攀蛇(最致命的蛇)和石魚(可造成嚴重的毒傷)。
13. 澳洲是衝浪運動的發源地,其海灘,如邦迪海灘,以其完美的海浪而聞名於世。
14. 澳洲是世界上主要的蛋白石生產國之一,庫伯佩迪鎮以其為躲避酷熱而建造的地下房屋而聞名。
15. 澳洲曾經是岡瓦納超大陸的一部分,是地球上一些最古老岩石的所在地,這些岩石在伊爾加恩克拉通等地發現。

尼爾·麥克沙恩(Neale McShane)即將退休,他是昆士蘭州伯茲維爾唯一執勤的警官,負責監督一個與英國面積相當的司法管轄區。
15 Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Australia
1. Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent, and it is the sixth-largest country by land area.
2. The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Queensland, is the largest living structure on Earth and can be seen from space.
3. Australia is home to the world’s deadliest animal, the box jellyfish, whose sting can cause heart failure and death within minutes.
4. The country is known for its unique wildlife, including the platypus, one of the few mammals that lay eggs, and the kangaroo, which can’t walk backwards.
5. The Outback, the vast and remote interior of Australia, is one of the most sparsely populated areas in the world, with huge stretches of desert and iconic red rock formations.
6. Australia’s national symbol, the emu, is the second-largest bird in the world, capable of running at speeds of up to 50 km/h (31 mph).
7. Australia has 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Tasmanian Wilderness, Uluru, and the Sydney Opera House.
8. Australia is home to some of the oldest living organisms on the planet, such as the 5,000-year-old Clonal Trees of the Gondwana Rainforests.
9. The world’s longest fence, known as the Dingo Fence, stretches for over 5,600 kilometers (3,480 miles) and was originally built to keep wild dogs away from fertile farmland.
10. Sydney’s iconic Opera House is not just an architectural marvel; it has over 1,500 rooms and hosts more than 1,500 performances each year.
11. The Australian Alps receive more snow than Switzerland each year, making them a hidden gem for winter sports enthusiasts.
12. The country boasts some of the world’s most poisonous creatures, including the inland taipan, which is the deadliest snake, and the stonefish, which can cause severe venomous injuries.
13. Australia is the birthplace of surfing, and its beaches, like Bondi Beach, are world-renowned for their perfect waves.
14. Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of opals, and the town of Coober Pedy is famous for its underground homes built to escape the extreme heat.
15. Australia was once part of the supercontinent Gondwana and is home to some of the oldest rocks on Earth, found in places like the Yilgarn Craton.

Wanted: police officer with sturdy shoes and a good sense of direction.
Neale McShane is about to retire as the only police officer on duty in Birdsville, Queensland, solely overseeing a jurisdiction about the size of the United Kingdom.
This is his story: http://gu.com/p/47z43/fb

