They hoisted banners and flags with whimsical messages about cats, sea otters and food. They waved signs joking that President Yoon Suk Yeol’s declaration of martial law had forced them to leave the comfort of their beds. Pictures of the flags spread widely on social media.
The idea was to use humor to build solidarity against Mr. Yoon, who has vowed to fight his impeachment over his ill-fated martial law decree on Dec. 3. Some waved flags for nonexistent groups like the so-called Dumpling Association, a parody of real groups like labor unions, churches or student clubs.
這個想法是用幽默來團結一致反對尹先生,尹先生發誓要對抗因12 月3 日他的不幸的戒嚴令而遭到的彈劾。他們舉著異想天開的橫幅和旗幟,有些人為所謂的餃子協會等不存在的團體揮舞旗幟,這是對工會、教堂或學生俱樂部等真實團體的模仿。
Memes, Jokes and Cats: South Koreans Use Parody for Political Protest

Seoul, South Korea
Somewhere Street
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