Villa Shodhan, Ahmedabad, India, 1951
This villa has a story: The commission was given to Le Corbusier in 1951 for the residence of a Mr. Hutheesing, Secretary of the Millowners, with a set of requirements primarily personal, complicated and subtle. Just when the construction plans were completed Mr. Hutheesing there upon sold them to Mr. Shodhan, who owned another plot and desired to start construction immediately. As luck would have it, Le Corbusier's Indian projects are a⋯⋯
更多This villa has a story: The commission was given to Le Corbusier in 1951 for the residence of a Mr. Hutheesing, Secretary of the Millowners, with a set of requirements primarily personal, complicated and subtle. Just when the construction plans were completed Mr. Hutheesing there upon sold them to Mr. Shodhan, who owned another plot and desired to start construction immediately. As luck would have it, Le Corbusier's Indian projects are a⋯⋯
Le Corbusier | Villa shodhan | Ahmedabad, India | 1951-1956 ©
LIVE: President Trump speaks at a “Namaste Trump" rally at the world’s largest cricket stadium in Ahmedabad, India.
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Clockwise from top:
Sabarmati Riverfront , Hutheesing Temple, Akshardham Temple , Kankaria Lake, Motera Stadium, Sabarmati Ashram. | |
アフマダーバードはインド西部、グジャラート州の主要都市。 2011年の都市的地域の人口は635万人であり、世界第47位、同国では第7位である。農業、綿織物業が盛ん。イスラーム教徒が比較的多く、多くのモスクが建てられている。ジャイナ教の寺院も多い。近代的な都市で郊外に工場が多く、経済的には恵まれている。 ウィキペディア
市外局番: 079
人口: 557.1万 (2011年)