2018年5月25日 星期五
The Lake District,
The Lake District, also known as the Lakes or Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England. A popular holiday destination, it is famous for its lakes, forests and mountains (or fells), and its associations with William Wordsworth and other Lake Poets and also with Beatrix Potter and John Ruskin. The National Park was established in 1951 and covers an area of 2,362 square kilometres.[2] It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2017.[3]
蔣彝(1903-1977),首部作品是1937年在倫敦出版的《湖區畫記》,一個月內第一版即售罄,接著再版8次,從此以遊記作家的身分 為人所知。
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