2024年6月29日 星期六

 【「#新月台」校園紀念品店 將於第四季與大家見面】


在 #利百代國際實業公司 支持下,臺灣大學將整修校總區「新月台」,加入許多科技元素,未來除了成立 #校園紀念品店 外,內部還有小型交流空間進行臺大出版中心的出版品展示、文化交流及創意工作坊。臺大校長陳文章及利百代公司董事長門田明輝於6月28日代表雙方簽約,儀式簡單隆重。

臺灣大學在新生南路校園側的「新月台」,是臺大人進出新南側門,前往臺一牛奶大王、鳳城燒臘、Pasta 2 GO、溏老鴨小火鍋等餐廳還有書店時,必經時的醒目地標,乘載著許多人的共同回憶。

期盼這個集創意、科技和文化於一體的新月台,於整修完工後不僅 #為臺大人及社區提供一個交會與交流的場所,還能成為匯集創意、傳承和創新的空間基地,為校園注入新的活力與魅力。


█ 延伸閱讀

中央社:利百代助台大整修新月台 營造校園紀念品店



臺灣大學新月台校園紀念品店2024 ……建築光影插畫明信片;2014臺灣大學外邊被遺忘的「大學之道」/"新月台"樓

【「#新月台」校園紀念品店 將於第四季與大家見面】

在 #利百代國際實業公司 支持下,臺灣大學將整修校總區「新月台」,加入許多科技元素,未來除了成立 #校園紀念品店 外,內部還有小型交流空間進行臺大出版中心的出版品展示、文化交流及創意工作坊。臺大校長陳文章及利百代公司董事長門田明輝於6月28日代表雙方簽約,儀式簡單隆重。

臺灣大學在新生南路校園側的「新月台」,是臺大人進出新南側門,前往臺一牛奶大王、鳳城燒臘、Pasta 2 GO、溏老鴨小火鍋等餐廳還有書店時,必經時的醒目地標,乘載著許多人的共同回憶。

期盼這個集創意、科技和文化於一體的新月台,於整修完工後不僅 #為臺大人及社區提供一個交會與交流的場所,還能成為匯集創意、傳承和創新的空間基地,為校園注入新的活力與魅力。

█ 延伸閱讀
中央社:利百代助台大整修新月台 營造校園紀念品店









至於新生南路,中央是瑠公圳的大排水渠,兩邊是上、下行的單行道,在重要路口設有小橋串連路 東是臺大體育場,向北為龍安國小,越過和平東路到信義路段的廣大區塊則是空軍機械場(即今之大安森林公園);路西的臺大側門面對水道町(現在的大學里、溫 州街一帶),都是臺大教職員宿舍和女生宿舍,向北延伸到金華街為臺大先修班、後改為男生第一宿舍(今之金華國中)。早年信義路和新生南路口有座堅固的水泥 橋跨越水圳,名為大安橋。市公車在此設有大安橋站,是男一舍同學外出所能搭乘的唯一一線公車,可達臺北車站。總之,新生南路從校總區到信義路這一區塊,是 臺大人生活的大社區。臺大校警夜晚會沿著新生南路巡邏,直抵信義路一帶。
  1949 年初,傅斯年校長到任,開始整頓校園,那年,臺灣省政府向臺大商借體育場,預定於10月25日舉行第四屆臺灣省運動大會,臺大因而獲省補助經費整修,體育 場與周圍環境頓時面目一新,省運動會圓滿成功,11月15日隨即在此舉行臺大四周年校慶。「敦品力學,愛國愛人」的校訓,即傅校長在此次校慶講話中首先提 出。
次年3 月12日為植樹節,臺大沿著體育場邊的新生南路進行植樹綠美化,校方取得一批大葉桉和白千層樹苗木,由總務處工友、森林系苗圃技工與部分同學共同栽植。傅 校長對此非常重視,見此苗木栽植為環境帶來生機,加上瑠公圳兩側有零星的杜鵑花和垂柳,未來可望變身優美的景觀大道,遂將此段新生南路命名為「大學之 道」。這次的植樹活動,是臺大校園綠美化的起步,今日所見體育場地及新生南路上的白千層與大葉桉樹,即是60年前植栽和後來補植。

新生南路的臺大段,傅斯年校長曾命名為「大學之道」。(攝影/編輯部) 臺北帝國大學時期體育場,建於1930年。(翻攝自《榮耀與分享-臺大創校六十週年特刊》/臺大校友會1988出版)

2013.2.17  它的招牌中有三. 除了農產品販賣處. 其餘2處是空的. 樓上的餐廳因為十年一約緣故. 新尊賢堂的主人暫時無力經營此小餐廳

細雨中 到大的買東西  它的隔壁 最早幾年是什麼育成中心的成果展示後來改成餐飲 半年之後就放棄 現在一直閒置
約十年前 我參加過臺大的類似” web radio 發表會校長主持的  不過該校似乎沒網路電---1977年發現 Essex大學校園內的電是很熱門的…..

2011.7.10 寄許達然

《斷象》The Rifted Vision

200510,住處前臺灣大學網球場邊樹立一棟建築物我無法原諒它但求立面工整 (裏面有一家原叫 NTU FancyLand的,隔間等真是慘不忍睹;又砍一棵樹為夜間照明


《斷象》The Rifted Vision

Erected first are the soaring towers, followed by the stairs,
Sculpted first are the standing walls followed by the windows,
To inter-view, to en-vision,
Shuttling to imbricate the fleeting images and fading imaginations,
Partly for the passing beholders,
Partly for the remembering scholars.


2024年6月26日 星期三

Saipan in the Western Pacific,


Top: Garapan Skyline; Bottom: Topographic map of Saipan Island
LocationPacific Ocean
Coordinates15°11′N 145°45′E
Area118.98 km2 (45.94 sq mi)[1]
Length12 mi (19 km)
Width5.6 mi (9 km)
Highest elevation1,560 ft (475 m)
Highest pointMount Tapochau
United States
CommonwealthNorthern Mariana Islands
Largest settlementGarapan
MayorRamon Camacho
Population43,385 (2020)
Ethnic groups

U.N. trust territory[edit]

After World War II, Saipan became part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, administered by the United States.

The U.S. bases on Saipan closed or were converted to other purposes, for example the Naval Advance Base Saipan from 1962 to 1986 was the headquarters for the U.N Trusteeship.[17] East Field airbase was used as an airport until the 1960s, after its military use ended in 1946. Later on the area was made into a golf course.

United States commonwealth[edit]

The Northern Mariana islanders voted to join the United States in 1975, and the island became a municipality of the newly-formed Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 1978.[18] On November 4, 1986, the islanders of the Northern Marianas including Saipan became United States citizens and the Northern Marianas formally became a part of the United States of America.[19] This meant that U.S. citizens could visit or live in Saipan and the rest of the CNMI without a passport and vice versa.[20]

Julian Assange Pleads Guilty to Espionage, Securing His Freedom

The WikiLeaks founder, who entered the plea in a U.S. courtroom in Saipan in the Western Pacific, is now headed home to Australia.

2024年6月23日 星期日

Pilgrim Deaths in Mecca 朝聖已死1300人以上


Pilgrim Deaths in Mecca Put Spotlight on Underworld Hajj Industry

Japan House London Hosts HM The Emperor of Japan during .

 Japan House London is a cultural destination offering guests the opportunity to experience the best and latest from Japan. Located on London's Kensington High Street, the experience is an authentic encounter with Japan, engaging and surprising even the most knowledgeable guests.5 hours ago

Located on Kensington High Street, Japan House London is the cultural home of Japan in London with the very best of Japanese art, design, ...

Sentier, Paris - France

Sentier, Paris - France -
Somewhere Street
Sentier, once a bustling garment district, is now home to many Internet start-ups and hosts new restaurants, galleries and boutiques, making it a dynamic hub for trendsetting businesses in Paris.

Sentier is a neighbourhood in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris which has been known historically as a multicultural textile and garment manufacturing district. Since the late 1990s, it has increasingly become home to many Internet start-up companies and has acquired the nickname Silicon Sentier.


Sentier, Paris
A typical street in the neighborhood, Rue du Sentier

The area is a rectangle of buildings bounded by rue Montmartre to the west, the Boulevard de Sebastopol to the east, Boulevard Poissonnière and Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle to the north and by rue Reaumur in the south.

It is crossed by several roads including rue d'Aboukir, rue de Caire and Place du

2024年6月22日 星期六

Selfie Ride in Iwate - A Home Away From Home James Hobbs 醫校長一起

Limited in where we can go by the pandemic, we're sending our cyclists out by themselves on "selfie rides" to show us the areas where they live. This time, James Hobbs is taking us around Iwate.

市場人情 人生意義Mikoda Morning Market: Morioka's Kitchen,2030年的六本木,商轉文,摩天大樓林立


Mikoda Morning Market: Morioka's Kitchen
The Mikoda Morning Market in northern Japan has been known as "Morioka's kitchen" for almost 50 years. But it is not only the fresh produce that warms the hearts of customers even on chilly mornings.

紐約地鐵新生/'Music Under New York' has never been more popular書店。In New York City’s Subway System, There’s Beauty in the Mundane

In New York City’s Subway System, There’s Beauty in the Mundane

“Contemporary Art Underground” showcases hundreds of artworks commissioned by the M.T.A., by artists like Alex Katz, Kiki Smith and Vik Muniz.

A photo of a close-up portrait of a woman’s face, her lips bright red, wearing a bright purple hat and a black collar with purple flowers, surrounded by black trees against a grayish-white background.
Alex Katz’s portrait of the artist Choichun Leung, one of his “Metropolitan Faces” series from 2019, in the 57th Street F station.Credit...Alex Katz/Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY; photograph by Etienne Frossard
A photo of the wall of a subway platform, whose large white tiles display mosaic portraits of four individuals: on the left, a man wearing a red jacket and khaki pants and holding a saxophone; in the center, a shorter man wearing a blue shirt and jeans with suspenders, holding a violin; and on the right, a man and woman holding magazines.
Details from Vik Muniz’s “Perfect Strangers” (2017), in the 72nd Street Station.Credit...Patrick J. Cashin
A photo of what appears to be the same platform as in the photo above, bearing mosaic portraits of a woman with long dark hair wearing scrubs, with a stethoscope around her neck; and on the right, two men holding hands, one in a flannel shirt and the other in overalls.
“One of the city’s main attractions is its people,” Muniz wrote in his proposal for this project: “diverse, absurdly casual and original.”Credit...Patrick J. Cashin

Every year, New York's public transport authority holds auditions for subway musicians. It started in 1985, when the NYC subway wasn't exactly a secure place to hang out with your hands on a violin. But now the subways are safer and 'Music Under New York' has never been more popular.
The best performers in the New York City subway actually audition for...

Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

Subway Crush No Longer Takes a Day Off

The weekend rush speaks to improvements in a transit system once seen as a national symbol of urban blight, but it also points to a shifting picture of New York.
