武漢肺炎疫情持續於韓國爆發。根據韓聯社報道,截至今日(24日)早上9時,累計確診增至 763宗,較昨日新增161宗,當中129宗個案與新天地大邱教會有關。至於死亡病例則新增1宗至7宗,死者為62歲男子,與前日死亡的第6宗病例同樣來自慶尚北道的清道大南醫院。
‘The City Has Been Annihilated’: South Korea’s Coronavirus Epicenter Is a Virtual Ghost Town
The country’s cases rise 25-fold in five days, as Seoul declares a ‘red alert,’ allowing it to block domestic travel among other measures
DAEGU, South Korea—Cafes here demanded orders must be takeout or delivery. A typically bustling market hollowed out. The rare flicker of activity occurred at stores selling face masks, though most had run out.
These are the scenes of eerie silence unfolding in Daegu, South Korea’s fourth-largest city and an epicenter for a coronavirus outbreak that skyrocketed to 763 cases on Monday morning—a roughly 25-fold rise in just five days. In response, President Moon Jae-in raised the country’s virus-alert system to the highest of...
![]() 大邱廣域市的位置圖 | |
坐標:35°52′00″N 128°36′00″E |
大邱廣域市(韓語:대구광역시/大邱廣域市 Daegu gwangyeoksi),簡稱大邱,是位於大韓民國東南部的廣域市,與首爾、釜山並列韓國三大城市,至2018年12月31日止人口約2,489,802人。面積883.54平方公里。