大約 7,700 萬年前,即白堊紀晚期,北美洲的面貌與今日大不相同。西部內陸海道,即淺內陸海,將大陸一分為二:西部的拉拉米迪亞大陸和東部的阿巴拉契亞大陸。 拉拉米迪亞是西海岸的一條狹長地帶,是霸王龍、三角龍和鴨嘴龍等恐龍的避難所。阿巴拉契亞山脈被海道隔開,擁有自己獨特的生態系統。茂密的森林、沼澤和不斷進化的開花植物佔據了主要景觀,而滄龍和菊石等海洋爬行動物則在航道中繁衍生息。 氣候更加溫暖,沒有極地冰蓋,為史前巨人創造了完美的茂密環境。
Around 77 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period, North America looked vastly different than today. A shallow inland sea, the Western Interior Seaway, split the continent into two landmasses: Laramidia in the west and Appalachia in the east.
Laramidia, a narrow strip along the western coast, was a haven for dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and duck-billed hadrosaurs. Appalachia, separated by the seaway, had its own unique ecosystems. Dense forests, swamps, and evolving flowering plants dominated the landscape, while marine reptiles like mosasaurs and ammonites thrived in the seaway.
The climate was warmer, with no polar ice caps, creating lush environments perfect for prehistoric giants.