𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲 是一家歷史悠久的咖啡館和餐廳,位於巴黎最著名的藝術街區之一蒙馬特。該建築擁有獨特的粉紅色牆壁和綠色百葉窗,其歷史可追溯到 20 世紀初,曾是藝術家、作家和知識分子的聚集地。莫里斯·鬱特里羅 (Maurice Utrillo) 等畫家在其作品中描繪了玫瑰之家,使其成為蒙馬特的標誌性景觀。如今,這裡供應傳統的法國美食,仍然是當地人和遊客的熱門景點。它坐落在一條安靜的鵝卵石街道上,更增添了它的魅力,讓人們一窺巴黎的過去。
𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲 is a historic café and restaurant in Montmartre, one of Paris’s most famous artistic neighborhoods. The building, with its distinctive pink walls and green shutters, dates back to the early 20th century and has been a gathering place for artists, writers, and intellectuals. Painters like Maurice Utrillo featured La Maison Rose in their artwork, helping to make it an iconic part of Montmartre. Today, it serves traditional French cuisine and remains a popular spot for both locals and visitors. Its location on a quiet, cobblestone street adds to its charm, offering a glimpse into the Paris of the past.
(Photo: @herve_in_paris)

歷史 拉蒙·皮喬特 (Ramon Pichot) 於 1905 年買下了這座小房子。
1908 年,皮肖與傑曼·加加羅 (Germaine Gargallo) 結婚,後者是蒙馬特的代表人物,也是某些畫家的模特兒。在西班牙旅行後,Germaine 決定將外牆漆成粉紅色,並開設了“La Maison Rose”。他們的餐廳定期接待 Bateau Lavoir 的所有居民以及其他藝術家朋友。
據信,玫瑰之家 (La Maison Rose) 因鬱特里羅 (Utrillo) 的畫作而聞名。但艾莉絲·麥克萊(遺憾地被遺忘了)早在鬱特里羅之前就畫了《玫瑰之家》和《蒙馬特》。現在人們意識到,馬克萊特的風格極大地影響了鬱特里羅,鬱特里羅當時是馬克萊特這位老畫家朋友的崇拜者。
第二次世界大戰前和二戰期間 La Maison Rose 的歷史是一個謎。從一些照片上看,這裡似乎曾經是一家歌舞表演場所。
1948 年,義大利裔 Beatrice Miolano 買下了 La Maison Rose,並與她的兒子 Jean Miolano 一起經營。後來,餐廳被租給了不同的管理階層。
這個標誌性的地點經常有許多藝術家光顧,包括在皮加勒和蒙馬特歌舞表演的歌手。在 60 年代和 70 年代,電影藝術家、作家、歌手如阿爾貝·加繆、阿蘭·德龍、達麗達都是他的客戶。
2017 年 12 月,La Maison Rose 重新開業,由 Beatrice 的孫女領導,組建了新的團隊並開展新的項目。 La Maison Rose 的理念靈感來自蒙馬特村的歷史以及業主(法國人/義大利人)的家族歷史。
Ramon Pichot bought this little house in 1905. Catalan painter, he was friends with Dali and Picasso, who visit him in this little house that was his painting studio.
In 1908, Pichot married Germaine Gargallo, figure of Montmartre and model for certain painters. After a trip in Spain, Germaine decided to paint the outside walls in pink and opened « La Maison Rose ». Their restaurant welcomed regularly all the residents of the Bateau Lavoir, and their other artists friends.
It is believed that La Maison Rose became famous because of Utrillo paintings. But Élisée Maclet (sadly forgotten) painted La Maison Rose and Montmartre long before Utrillo. It is now recognized that Maclet’s style greatly influenced that of Utrillo, who was then an admiring young boy of his elder painter friend.
The history of La Maison Rose before and during the second World War is a mystery. Some photos seem to indicate that it was a cabaret for a few years.
In 1948, Beatrice Miolano, of italian origin, bought La Maison Rose and ran it with her son Jean Miolano. Later, the restaurant was rented to different managements.
This iconic spot was frequented by a multitude of artists, including singers who performed in Pigalle and Montmartre cabarets. In the 60’s and 70’s, film artists, writers, singers such as Albert Camus, Alain Delon, Dalida, were clients.
In December 2017, La Maison Rose re-opened with a new team and a new project, led by the granddaughter of Beatrice. The philosophy of La Maison Rose is inspired by the history of the Montmartre village and the family history of the owners: French / Italian.
The new team wants to gather the local community and curious travellers around a good neighbourhood table, welcoming, creative and eco-responsible.