#Dailychart: The world is in the middle of a skyscraper boom. Last year a record number of tall buildings were completed; and the record for the world’s tallest is being broken more regularly and more spectacularly than ever before, particularly in the Middle East. The height of the tallest building completed in each year has tended to go up and down in tandem with the economy http://econ.st/1Gg0bcv
Links of Hanching Chung
- UC Berkeley
- Fêtes Galantes; Galerie des Glaces...First rays of...
- University of Essex
- Mayakovskaya, Metro station, Moscow
- 博山寺
- 中科二林大道 370餘路燈比車
- Armenia: 'Genocide' as a word 'exactly shows the t...
- (紐約及世界) 摩天大樓時間表
- 哀歌:台中樹木銀行:毀掉大肚山
- 立山Mount Tate 別有洞天在雲中
- Greece,
- 透過地圖看東京
- Through Mumbai’s windows; Mumbai Suburban Railway孟...
- 臺南公園西側的321巷藝術聚落的前世今生?
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- 1936(昭和11):Evil Mickey attacks Japan ;日金門張文帝洋樓
- 不快樂的阿拉伯:葉門轟炸
- 企求臺大人文大樓興建 文院師生接力開講
- 長野 御射鹿池
- 拿破崙三世的大計劃之一
- Hyde Park
- 福岡 南蔵院「日本一の涅槃像」
- The Legend of Anzac, The War That Changed the World
- Paris Philharmonie Wins Legal Battle Against Archi...
- Oklahoma City Bombing, 1995
- 「高雄人」名義投資《愛琳娜》
- Alcoy, Spain
- Tuileries Garden
- the Piano Pavilion galleries, Kimbell Art Museum
- Natural History Museum, London
- 山梨 富士芝桜まつり
- St Peter’s Basilica, Rome
- Tell al-'Ubaid, copper bull dating from around 260...
- 臺中醫院100年紀念
- 苗栗縣破產 何去何從?
- the Askari statue in Dar es Salaam
- 佛誕日:the Jogye temple in Seoul, South Korea
- 從新公園到二二八和平公園; 總督官邸(台北賓館)及東門
- 觀布袋戲,1956年葫蘆墩
- Bergen-Belsen 集中營解放70年
- 大甲貞節坊
- 磺港後(新北投)
- The ‘Begijnhof’ , Amsterdam
- 臺中一中故事
- An Ivorian chief wears a hat decorated with golden...
- 倫敦The Boat Race
- Sa'ad Abad Palace Complex
- This weekend is peak bloom. 36 Hours in Washington...
- 神奈川 観音崎 東京灣突起的岬「觀音崎」
- a rap battle, Yale University, April 2015
- Mount Tambora,1815
- 東海建築系館
- 日治時期的河川治水事業
- 人民作主 (立法院): 補正公投法、修正選罷法
- 臺灣大學:教學大樓第二期新建工程暨圖書館自動化高密度書庫
- 加州抗旱
- 《明星》川島小鳥鏡頭下的台灣人情風味
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- 劉克襄:我被玉里的跳蚤咬了
- 認識・TAIWAN・電影 映画で知る台湾
- the final resting place of Jesus Christ
- Villa_Doria_Pamphili
- by the Sunni jihadists of Islamic State and an Ir...
- Changi airport, Singapore (opening 2018)
- 東京的銀座還在修建擴大!銀座の「匠」
- 日軍艦島端島礦場等申遺
- 北部烏賊車排放的廢氣,可能是傷害中南部人健康的元凶。南科周遭的新市、善化空氣毒
- Plaza of the three powers, Brasilia, Brazil
- 高野山開創1200年