Scene at #UChicago: Baby ducklings enjoying the summer-like weather at the Botany Pond.
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Links of Hanching Chung
- the Pont Neuf, Paris
- The Brooklyn Bridge opened on this day in 1883. 紐約
- 張幸真 - 烈焰與重生:臺灣大轟炸七十年紀念 ;「臺灣電力株式會社」「臺灣總督府圖書館」
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- South Side, Chicago; Obama library
- 「阿才的店」,「紅玉」,「攤」
- Globe Theatre, London
- 世界最炎熱地方
- Nike World Headquarters 操場
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- 同名城市交流。姐妹市。 日本と台湾 32もある同名の駅~板橋、松山など
- 1950年代之臺北新世界戲院 (李火增)
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- UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in danger
- British Museum
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- Abraj Kudai
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- the equality of gay and transgender rights across ...
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- 馬英九的台北「反貪腐廣場」(馮光遠)
- Fontainebleau 楓丹白露
- the Picasso Museum in Paris on May 16, 2015
- Nori museum in Oomori
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- Lincoln College, University of Oxford
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- presidential libraries; Lyndon Baines Johnson Libr...
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- 六本木
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- Reading Room, British Museum
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- Brown University
- Botany Pond, The University of Chicago
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- Kyoto,
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- 箱根
- Big Ben
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- Camille Pissarro’s “Tuileries Garden,”
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