Vladimir Putin justified his annexation of Crimea on the ground that he owed protection to Russian speakers everywhere. In an interactive map last year, we took the Putin doctrine of linguistic imperialism to its natural conclusion http://econ.st/1zQIRad#econarchive
Links of Hanching Chung
- Starr Reading Room, Yale University Library
- 地球、宇宙
- Corpus Christi;英國2學院
- Begbroke Science Park
- 土場車站~見證太平山林業盛興的車站
- 台中公會堂
- 嘉義市檜意森活村
- 《立石鐵臣 臺灣畫冊》
- 1940年代台北艋舺龍山寺;艋舺龍山寺詩聯書法
- Google Is Planning a Massive New Headquarters
- 猶太人分布
- Inside the Forbidden Temple
- Harvard Business School
- the Aral Sea
- Inside Fukushima:福島一號核電廠輻射污染實況
- 劉克襄:各文創園區診斷、那麼近又那麼遠的台北文創
- Detroit 底特律破產。五金大劫掠 / A Humanist’s Look at the Mo...
- 西班牙名港Seville 的困境;苦橘
- Germany's rail system
- Literary tourism
- 北海道 哲學之木
- cultural artefacts of Burma and South India in the...
- University of Cambridge: St John's on the big screen
- Kurdistan 向獨立邁進; 小鎮「科巴尼」Kobani
- 中國工廠民工等的生活
- Yale University Sterling Memorial Library
- Auckland
- 平等院鳳凰堂:秋の夜に浮かび上がる世界遺産ライトアップ
- 香港人移民台灣等
- 花蓮清水隧道 (昭和六年1931)
- 台灣的文化;唐山
- International Center, New York
- Views of New York City; New York a hell of a place...
- 東京 青ヶ島
- 沖繩 勝連城跡;Okinawa and American troops
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- 時裝上的香港住宅 Architecture of Density
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- 成大榕園
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- 紐奧良皇家大街的 Monteleone大飯店
- 茅乃舍在東京日本橋賣場
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- New York's Letchworth State Park
- This map will change how you see the world
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- 世界主要語言分布圖
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- 英國對遊民的敵意
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- The U.S. Capitol and National Mall; Washington, D...
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- Taipei faces housing crackdown
- Khorasan,
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- the Global ELU map, which shows the world’s ecosys...
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- The Arctic is melting fast; A Rare Arctic Land Sal...
- 約1869繪製的蘇澳海灣畫作
- The Washington Monument
- Christ Church's dining hall, the Divinity Schools ...
- Sylvan Theater in Washington, D.C.
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- The most populous countries in the world by 2050
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- Naruko Onsen: The Home of Kokeshi
- 山形 立石寺
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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- 東京 目黒雅敘園
- 柯建銘老家(蔡漢勳)
- Elm 英國榆木
- 北投法鼓山農禪寺
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- 倫敦 「好呷」Ho-Ja餐廳
- 村意
- 《臺灣縣大傑巔等社熟番》
- London’s population
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- 台灣牢房〔捉襟見肘〕(林文蔚 Ewam Lin)
- 台中:「中央書局」,天主教惠華醫院,「闊葉林書店」......
- The Wilkins Building, University College London (UCL)