Holland is home to many architectural gems that have enriched the landscape. Thanks to the creative and innovative input of Dutch architects one can encounter a unique and beautiful construction almost anywhere. From more traditional and classical designs to high-tech and modern features, our top 10 of Holland’s architectural masterpieces is enlisted here! http://bit.ly/1IZetFx
Links of Hanching Chung
- Starr Reading Room, Yale University Library
- 地球、宇宙
- Corpus Christi;英國2學院
- Begbroke Science Park
- 土場車站~見證太平山林業盛興的車站
- 台中公會堂
- 嘉義市檜意森活村
- 《立石鐵臣 臺灣畫冊》
- 1940年代台北艋舺龍山寺;艋舺龍山寺詩聯書法
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- 猶太人分布
- Inside the Forbidden Temple
- Harvard Business School
- the Aral Sea
- Inside Fukushima:福島一號核電廠輻射污染實況
- 劉克襄:各文創園區診斷、那麼近又那麼遠的台北文創
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- 西班牙名港Seville 的困境;苦橘
- Germany's rail system
- Literary tourism
- 北海道 哲學之木
- cultural artefacts of Burma and South India in the...
- University of Cambridge: St John's on the big screen
- Kurdistan 向獨立邁進; 小鎮「科巴尼」Kobani
- 中國工廠民工等的生活
- Yale University Sterling Memorial Library
- Auckland
- 平等院鳳凰堂:秋の夜に浮かび上がる世界遺産ライトアップ
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- 台灣的文化;唐山
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- Views of New York City; New York a hell of a place...
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- 英國對遊民的敵意
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- The U.S. Capitol and National Mall; Washington, D...
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- the Global ELU map, which shows the world’s ecosys...
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- Christ Church's dining hall, the Divinity Schools ...
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- Naruko Onsen: The Home of Kokeshi
- 山形 立石寺
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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- 東京 目黒雅敘園
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- 村意
- 《臺灣縣大傑巔等社熟番》
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- 台中:「中央書局」,天主教惠華醫院,「闊葉林書店」......
- The Wilkins Building, University College London (UCL)