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Wivenhoe Park, by John Constable
Wivenhoe Park, located on the Eastern edge of Colchester, is a multi-acre landscaped green space. It is the site of Wivenhoe House.
Until the 1960s its main claim to fame was that it was the setting for one of Constable's landscape paintings. The Painting shows the park and was painted in the romantic era. It shows crisp and tight brushstrokes, exhibiting Constable's young style. His later paintings exhibit looser, and more painterly brush strokes.
From the 1960s onwards, however, Wivenhoe Park has been home to the University of Essex. As of 2012, a school offering courses to train students in the hospitality industry and a luxury hotel are in Wivenhoe House.[1]
The park is also host to a very large colony of rabbits.
See also
John Constable
University of Essex
Wivenhoe House
^ "Edge Website".
University of Essex
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Essex大學中最妙的靈地,當然是湖色天光,如果你讀過藝術史名家E. H. Gombrich的名著 Art and Illusion(此書有漢譯,為美國國家畫廊Mellon講座結集),開章就是談論John Constable畫的Wivenhoe Park之牧場和湖景,這幅畫現藏美國國家畫廊。在世紀之交前,我校某藝術史教授努力促成它回母校的畫廊展示,據他說,談判的過程曲折,譬如說,美方要求該畫必須24小時持槍警備,不知道英國的守衛已經沒有這類裝備……總之,可以克服種種硬體和人情制度,成功地回母校展示,參觀人數10萬人次。
Students: Are you feeling beautiful today?
Head to Square 3 between 11am and 2pm where you can sign up to be added to Essex’s very own modelling books.
You don’t need to be 5’11” or have the ‘perfect hip to waist ratio’ and you don’t even need to have impossibly symmetrical features.
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Today we’ll be ditching demographic labels and recruiting the next faces of the University’s marketing materials.
All you’ll need is that infectious smile of yours!
Wivenhoe Park
Wivenhoe Park, located on the Eastern edge of Colchester, is a multi-acre landscaped green space. It is the site of Wivenhoe House. Until the 1960s its main claim to fame was that it was the setting for one of Constable's landscape paintings. Wikipedia
Address: Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, U.K. / Univ. of Essex
University of Essex 轉貼自 Accommodation Essex
Returning students: Do you fancy sticking with South Courts? Wish you could take up a place in towers next year? You can apply for on campus accommodation from next Tuesday at 10am here:

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