2019年3月28日 星期四

會Hội An安:越南中部

 36小時玩轉會安:這裡有綠色的稻田、棕櫚樹環繞的海灘、華麗的寺廟,和色彩繽紛的絲綢燈籠。在這座越南中部的知名古城,旅客可以乘坐竹籃船飽覽美景,也能尋得物美價廉的越式料理一飽口福。這裡是一份旅行指南 。

Hội An
City in Vietnam


Hội An is a city on Vietnam’s central coast known for its well-preserved Ancient Town, cut through with canals. The former port city’s melting-pot history is reflected in its architecture, a mix of eras and styles from wooden Chinese shophouses and temples to colorful French colonial buildings, ornate Vietnamese tube houses and the iconic Japanese Covered Bridge with its pagoda.
Area60 km²
Population152,160 (2018)

