Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti (14 April 1764 – 29 April 1831) was an Italian civil and military architect, as well as painter.[1] He painted landscapes and battle paintings.
He was born in Turin. He initially studied music at the Turin Conservatory under Bernardino Ottani, and learned painting from Pietro Giacomo Palmieri (1737–1804). Bagetti was named an architect in 1782 for the Royal University, and began and paint watercolor vedute of coastal locations. In 1792, he began to teach topographic design at the Royal Academy. In 1792, he painted two battle scenes from the recent war between the kingdom of Sardinia and the French Republic: the Veduta di Saorgio and the Veduta del campo di Brois nel contado di Nizza. In 1793, King Vittorio Amedeo III named him designer of vedute e paesi for the kingdom. He was affiliated with the Artillery Corps.
In 1798, he traveled to Paris.[2] He continued the same work for the Napoleonic rulers, including battle plans at the Battle of Marengo, travelling with the French army through Northern Italy, and later in Germany and Russia. From 1807 to 1815, he was a geographic engineer for the Napoleonic government. He was awarded the Legion of Honor medal for his Veduta d’Italia dalle Alpi.
With the fall of Napoleon, he regained his post as professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Albertina Academy) and celebrated the return of the House of Savoy with paintings depicting The May 20, 1814 Entry into Turin of Vittorio Emanuele I and The August 22, 1815 entry of Queen Maria Teresa to the Port of Genoa. He went on to paint for the Royal Palace, thirty-two paintings of battles, many depicting events of the First Campaign in Italy by Napoleon, including the Battle of Carassone.[3] He was knighted into the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and the Order of Savoy by the Italian monarchs.[4] Among those engravers he influenced were Giovanni Battista de Gubernatis.[5]
He died in Turin on 29 April 1831.
Château de Versailles
5月26日下午6:02 ·
Le 26 mars 1796, dans le cadre de la campagne d’Italie, les troupes de Napoléon entrent à Nice. Cette œuvre, une aquarelle, réalisée par Giuseppe-Pietro Bagetti, est l’œuvre de travaux de repérage de l’artiste. Rattaché au bureau topographique de l’armée d’Italie en qualité d’artiste, il est chargé de représenter les sites les plus intéressants des principaux événements de la guerre. Sur le pont, on aperçoit les troupes françaises, acclamées par les badauds.
On March 26, 1796, during the Italian campaign, Napoleon's troops entered Nice. This work, a watercolor, is made by Giuseppe-Pietro Bagetti. Attached to the topographical office of the Army of Italy as an artist, he is responsible for representing the most interesting sites of the main events of the war. On the bridge, we can see the French troops, cheered by onlookers on the foreground.
© RPN-GP (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
26年三月1796日, 作為義大利戰役的一部分, 拿破崙的軍隊進入了尼斯. 這部作品是水彩, 由giuseppe-pietro bagetti執導, 是藝術家追蹤作品的作品. 作為藝術家, 他位於義大利軍隊地形辦公室, 負責代表戰爭重大事件中最有趣的地點. 在橋上, 我們看到法國軍隊, 被gawkers的贊譽.
1796年三月26日, 在義大利戰役中, 拿破崙的軍隊進入了尼斯. 這項作品是水彩, 由giuseppe-pietro bagetti製作. 作為藝術家附屬於義大利軍隊地形辦公室, 他負責代表戰爭主要事件中最有趣的地點. 在橋上, 我們可以看到法國軍隊, 在前景上被觀眾目擊者歡呼.……