2024年4月5日 星期五

新疆獨庫公路,中國最美的景觀大道 China's Highway of Beauty China's Highway of Beauty, running through the Tianshan Mountains, reveals some of the country's most incredible natural scenery, among which diverse ethnicities of people enjoy traditional lives.


China's Highway of Beauty, running through the Tianshan Mountains, reveals some of the country's most incredible natural scenery, among which diverse ethnicities of people enjoy traditional lives.


獨庫公路,從獨山子到庫車的公路,全長561公里,是中國最美也最險的公路。這裏不用特意尋找景點,它一路都是美景。在獨庫公路短短500多公里的路程,就串聯了南北疆精華的 ...

