For those of you in the Toronto / Buffalo area: tonight at 7:30 pm I'm on your local PBS television station WNED doing an extensive interview with Valerie Pringle for the programme, CANADA FILES. The programme will be repeated at 6 pm on Sunday, the 26th. So if you're having dinner at that hour, just switch on PBS. It will be on other PBS stations across Canada and in the States eventually. And on Youtube for all. Here I am with Valerie when we did the interview at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa last January.
Links of Hanching Chung
- 日本日田梅子酒
- 廖志峯,張曉風:外雙溪之美麗與哀愁
- 日本東京皇居晨跑(謝金河)
- 巴黎老妓院
- Toronto / Buffalo area:
- 坎培拉 Canberra
- 阿爾巴尼亞的台灣中心(王璞)
- 台灣蘆山溫泉2024。震級為6.6級: 四川省雅安市 蘆山縣2013
- Clinton, Ontario,
- 九龍城塞(陶傑)
- 美國北卡州
- Taliesin West
- 綠島囚犯第一大批(梯次,千人之多) (T. J. Tsao)
- 台北道
- 常見草木背後的人文、生態意義 蘇正隆星期六 (5/11/2024) 下午我有一場導覽,介紹台北市新...
- 羅馬假期
- 史博館 1F戶外 4F 餐廳,大敗筆
- 摘星山莊(潭子)