_____AIT 新大樓斥資近63億元建造,蓋了八年多! 是美在亞洲的新「情報中心」!裏面進駐450人~ The American Institute in Taiwan: shifting locations amid a shifting US ...
Sep 25, 2017 - In June 2009, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) publicly announced that it had selected a site and begun development on a new location in ... |
• Burkina Faso. An airline website. A T-shirt. No target is too small as China steps up pressure on Taiwan, the self-governing island it claims. |
In recent weeks, Delta apologized for causing China “emotional damage” by listing Taiwan as a separate entity on its website. The Gap pulled a T-shirt that omitted Taiwan from a map of China, adding that it “respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China.” And the African country of Burkina Faso severed ties with Taiwan, which now has diplomatic relations with just 17 countries. |
But the attacks could backfire, by making more Taiwanese adamant about their separateness, and a former president, Lee Teng-hui, is pushing for a referendum to explicitly name the island Taiwan, rather than the Republic of China. Above, a monument to Taiwan’s founder, Chiang Kai-shek, in Taipei, Taiwan. |
2018年5月27日 星期日
AIT 新大樓;紐約時報的台灣新聞 Burkina Faso. An airline website. A T-shirt.
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