2019年11月25日 星期一

巴黎 the Champs-Elysees.;凱旋門(法語:Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile)

Crowds take over the heart of Paris for the unveiling of the Christmas lights along the Champs-Elysees.
📸 Dominique Faget

巴黎凱旋門(法語:Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile),即雄獅凱旋門,位於法國巴黎戴高樂廣場中央,香榭麗舍大街的西端[註 1]。是拿破崙為紀念1805年打敗俄奧聯軍的勝利,於1806年下令修建而成的。拿破崙被推翻後,凱旋門工程中途輟止。1830年波旁王朝被推翻後又重新復工,到1836年終於全部竣工。

It's one of Paris' most iconic monuments: the Arc de Triomphe. From atop the 50-meter-high (164 ft) monument, visitors have a striking view of the French capital, along historic thoroughfares like the Champs-Élysées, the broad avenue that brings you from famous gardens and museums to luxury shops, restaurants and typical Parisian cafes. What are your tips for a trip to Paris?

Arc de Triomphe - Wikipedia
Arc de Triomphe - Wikipedia


